As the franchise prepares to go on hiatus until the new year, all three series air fresh episodes that offer...
This week on CSI
The franchise offers three new episodes featuring a life-threatening explosion, a deadly house and a birthday celebration gone wrong. Official...
The franchise airs two repeats this week, and the third series is preempted. (more…)
The franchise offers backstory for Cardoza, the climax of the Compass Killer arc and a repeat of Langston's first day....
The franchise offers an NBA guest star, the return of the Compass Killer and death in a bowling alley. Official...
The franchise crossover airs this week as Dr Ray Langston (Laurence Fishburne) makes his way through all three CSI series....
This week, the franchise offers three new episodes that feature a bachelor party gone wrong, a kinky food trend and...
The franchise airs two repeats, and the flagship series offers a football team under suspicion. Official plot details and cast...
The CSI franchise offers two new episodes this week, including a deadly outbreak and a dance battle gone wrong. Official...
The new season continues with three more fresh episodes offering hidden treasure, a false confession and a slain officer. Official...
The franchise airs three new episodes this week, including trouble for one CSI, the debut of a serial killer and...
The second week of the new season offers three fresh episodes of CSI, including a hostage situation, a cyber killer...
The new season gets underway this week as fates are revealed and a familiar face returns to the flagship series....
All three members of the CSI franchise air last season's finales in preparation for the new season beginning next week....
With two weeks to go, the CSI franchise airs three more repeats to get viewers ready for the new season....