Criminal Minds aired its season eleven premiere last night at 9:00pm ET/PT. "The Job" pulled in 9.89 million viewers and...
Other CBS programming
Following the departure of Jennifer Love Hewitt (Kate Callahan), and with AJ Cook (JJ Jareau) going on maternity leave, Criminal...
Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) is reprising her role in the two-hour series finale of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and she's...
CBS held the 3rd Annual Summer Soiree on Monday, May 18. The event celebrates the network's lineup of summertime series....
NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans will air their season finales tonight, followed by an episode of CSI: Cyber on a...
CBS has announced that the planted Criminal Minds spinoff, Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, has been picked up for the 2015-2016...
Later this month, CBS will air an episode of CSI: Cyber on a special night and time. "URL, Interrupted" is...
NCIS aired a new episode last night, along with the first half of The Dovekeepers. You can find ratings and...
NCIS has a new episode airing tonight, followed by the first half of The Dovekeepers with Cote de Pablo (NCIS's...
NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS will air new episodes this week. (CSI: Cyber, NCIS: New Orleans and Criminal Minds are...
CSI: Cyber star Patricia Arquette (Avery Ryan) will appear on The Late Late Show with host James Corden tonight at...
As CSI Files previously reported, Chris O'Donnell (NCIS: Los Angeles's G Callen) received a star on the Hollywood Walk of...
The CSI: Cyber series premiere, "Kidnapping 2.0", airs tonight at 10:00pm ET/PT. Here's live chat information: Join @vanderjames @smoss &...
The 57th Annual Grammy Awards will air live on CBS this Sunday, February 8 from 8:00-11:30pm ET (delayed PT). NCIS:...
NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS, NCIS: New Orleans and Criminal Minds have new episodes on the schedule this week. (CSI: Crime...