As CSI: New York goes on a six-week hiatus, the other two members of the franchise offer new episodes featuring...
Official details
The franchise offers two new episodes this week, featuring a killer with a hair fetish and a surprising connection. Official...
The franchise offers one new episode this week, which features murder and kidnapping after a role-playing game goes wrong. The...
The franchise offers two new episodes this week, featuring an emotional farewell and the death of a skydiver. Official plot...
The franchise airs one new episode this week as CSI prepares to say goodbye to Catherine Willows. Official plot details...
The franchise offers one new episode this week featuring a home invasion gone wrong. Official plot details and cast list...
The franchise kicks off the new year with two new episodes, featuring a dead cage fighter and a genius killed...
One team member's home becomes a crime scene as the franchise airs the final new episode of 2011. Official plot...
The franchise offers two new episodes this week, featuring an FBI collaboration and a beauty pageant gone wrong. Official plot...
The franchise offers two new episodes this week, featuring a missing family and a dangerous quest to catch a rapist....
The franchise offers three new episodes this week, featuring cases with a hidden connection, the return of a serial rapist,...
The franchise offers three brand new episodes this week, featuring a spare brain, a crashed party and the return of...
The franchise offers three new episodes featuring a traveling side show, a prank gone wrong and a deadly poker game....
The franchise offers two new episodes this week, featuring a body found in an open grave and evidence of vampires....
The franchise airs three brand new episodes this week featuring a CSI in danger, a sibling's appearance and the return...