Three people confess to murdering a family in their home, and the team has to unravel the lies and half-truths...
The Dark Knight actress Monique Gabriela Curnen is joining CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in a recurring role. (more…)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation actor Gerald McCullouch (Bobby Dawson) was named one of Out magazine's top 100 most compelling members...
Gerald McCullouch, most familiar to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation fans as ballistics expert Bobby Dawson, filmed a short video for...
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation actor Gerald McCullouch (Bobby Dawson) posted the following picture on Twitter. It was taken in the...
Actor Gerald McCullouch (Bobby Dawson) posted some pictures from the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation season 10 wrap party, featuring costars...
CSI: Crime Scene investigation actor Gerald McCullouch (Bobby Dawson) posted a picture of himself with costar Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle)...
CSI Files previously reported that CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's Gerald McCullouch (Bobby Dawson) will star in DownTownTheatre Company’s World Premiere...
Gerald McCullouch returned to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as ballistics expert Bobby Dawson for the first time in more than...