As CSI Files previously reported, all three members of the CSI franchise will participate in a three-series crossover during November...
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's latest episode, "Bloodsport", came up short against World Series competition on Thursday, October 29. Ratings were...
The latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, "Bloodsport", is now available online. You can watch the video on,...
CBS has posted a preview for the upcoming three-episode CSI crossover, which will begin on Monday, November 9 when CSI:...
The CSI: Miami episode slated to air November 9, "Bone Voyage", which is the first part of the CSI franchise...
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation star Laurence Fishburne (Dr Ray Langston) does an impersonation of CSI: Miami leading man David Caruso...
CBS posted a collection of videos that showcase this season's best clips from the network's lineup of crime dramas. The...
A young CSI: Miami fan from the United Kingdom helped police catch a burglar using knowledge he learned from the...
Dave Price is a weather anchor and reporter for CBS's The Early Show, but Price recently tried his hand at...
Fans of CSI: Miami might get a kick out of this older video of CSI creator Anthony Zuiker from 2007....
As CSI Files previously reported, LA Lakers basketball player Pau Gasol is set to guest star in an upcoming episode...
CSI creator Anthony Zuiker released his first Digi-Novel, Level 26: Dark Origins, in September. The book is now available from...
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation will encounter "Dr Jekyll" again later this year. (Spoilers after the jump!) (more…)
Hill Harper (Dr Sheldon Hawkes) posted a Twitpic of himself with costar AJ Buckley (Adam Ross) on the set of...
As CSI Files previously reported, the latest CSI: Crime Scene Investigation game is called CSI: Deadly Intent. In order to...