The latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, "The Panty Sniffer", aired at 10:00pm ET/PT on Thursday, April 1. The...
CSI: New York actor Hill Harper (Dr Sheldon Hawkes) is one of the celebrities scheduled to present at The Academy...
Claire Forlani is set to reprise her role as Peyton Driscoll at the end of CSI: New York's sixth season....
CSI Files previously reported that the upcoming CSI: New York episode "Redemptio" would feature the world premiere of a song...
For CSI: Miami's Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne), action-packed scenes are the best part of the job. (Spoilers after the jump!)...
CSI: New York's leading lady Melina Kanakaredes (Stella Bonasera) shares some information about the return of a serial killer. (Spoilers...
A familiar face makes a comeback, and feelings erupt as the eighth season of CSI: Miami draws to a close....
CSI: New York will feature the world premiere of Ozzy Osbourne's new song "Let Me Hear You Scream" during the...
After an appearance and performance by lead singer Pat Monahan in the CSI: New York episode "Second Chances", Train's single...
CSI: New York actor Hill Harper (Dr Sheldon Hawkes) will take part in a Nightline Face Off on Friday, April...
Stella finds herself in danger when she refuses to give up on a case in "Rest in Peace, Marina Garito"....
Two CSI: Crime Scene Investigation characters grow closer this week, while the other members of the franchise air repeats. Official...
Last week, CSI Files posted several videos from that discussed the show and cast of CSI: Miami. The website...
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation executive producer Naren Shankar has joined the advisory board for Insight, a joint-venture from Resonant TV...
Kyle Harmon turns to Horatio for help when a friend of his from the army becomes a suspect in a...