Love is (not quite) in the air on CSI: New York, and the fate of a couple remains up in...
CSI: Miami's Eva La Rue (Natalia Boa Vista) offered her thoughts on the upcoming ninth season. (Spoilers after the jump!)...
Veteran TV actor Gregory Harrison will appear in the fifth episode of CSI: New York's upcoming seventh season. Spoilers after...
CSI: New York resolves season six's nail-biting cliffhanger in "The 34th Floor"---just in time to welcome a new team member...
The franchise airs five episodes this week offering a deadly crash, a murdered dancer, a CSI facing accusations, underground fighting...
Sara becomes emotionally involved in a case in which a woman is raped and left to die by the side...
Leading lady Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) revealed that her personal life played a role in her decision to leave CSI:...
As CSI Files previously reported, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's leading lady Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) is one of the celebrities...
Grissom and his team investigate the murder of a woman at a socialite's house, while Warrick grapples with a case...
CSI: New York actor Hill Harper (Dr Sheldon Hawkes) posted the following picture of costar Robert Joy (Dr Sid Hammerback)...
CBS has posted some images from the season premiere of CSI: New York featuring Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor), Sela Ward...
When scattered human bone fragments are found in the desert, Catherine is convinced it's murder, while Grissom avoids jumping to...
A new promo for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's eleventh season features clips from early episodes of the show and poses...
While Grissom, Warrick and Sara hunt down a serial bomber, Catherine tries to clear Nick after the prostitute he was...
CSI: Miami's Jonathan Togo (Ryan Wolfe) celebrates his birthday today, August 25. The actor was born on this day in...