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‘NCIS’ & ‘NCIS:NOLA’ Finale Ratings & Links Are Available

18 min read
"Family First" and "Sleeping With the Enemy"

"Family First" and "Sleeping With the Enemy"

NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans aired their season finales last night, and you can find ratings and links to watch the episodes below—along with videos, interviews, quotes and 100+ tweets/photos!

The twenty-fourth and final episode of NCIS’s thirteenth season, “Family First”, pulled in 17.62 million viewers at 8:00pm, earning a 2.5 rating/9 share in the key 18-49 demographic prized by advertisers (raised to 18.01 million and 2.6/9 when the final ratings were counted). If you missed the finale, or would like to watch it again, it’s available on, XFinity TV or Global TV.

As CSI Files previously reported, NCIS will be back in the fall with new episodes.

CBS shared this farewell video from Michael Weatherly (Tony DiNozzo), in which he talks to his fans about leaving NCIS:

Weatherly spoke to Zap2It prior to his departure, and here’s an excerpt:

I saw every day as this grand, fun adventure, even all the way up to my last day — I never got sick of it, I never got tired of it. I always appreciated the gift of the job. But the hardest part of the whole experience was thinking, ‘Oh no, I think it’s time I have to leave.’ That was really the only hard part of the whole experience.

E! Online shared some quotes from Weatherly’s recent conference call with reporters, including this one about filming his final NCIS scene:

The last scene that I shot was the last scene of the episode, and it was incredibly exciting. It was in the squad room. I spent the last couple of weeks walking around and trying to say hello and thank you to as many people [as possible]. You know, there’s a lot of people you don’t even meet. There’s the swing shift that works building sets overnight. There’s the off-hours security people. There’s a lot of people you don’t really run into. One of our great directors, Dennis Smith, told me that that would be a good thing to do and on Dennis’ advice I really took that seriously.

And so when I got to the very end of the end, when I got to my last scene in my last episode and it was the last scene on the schedule, I was not sad. I was very much filled with gratitude and I was deeply humbled by the experience that I’d been able to have.

Executive Producer Gary Glasberg did an interview with TVLine about Tony’s final episode. In addition to teasing the possibility that Ziva David (Cote de Pablo) might be alive, he offered this comment about the finale:

TVLINE | I must admit, you greatly surprised me with that finale. I figured we’d get some “token” Ziva references, maybe a scare that she’d been killed, and that would nudge Tony to do some introspection. But no, you went all in.

We did. It was “all in.” This is a huge deal for the show, and Michael leaving is huge, so we felt that at the end of the day we needed to do this properly. We gave it our all, and lot of people participated and were invested in coming up with this storyline. At the end of the day, we’re pleased with what we delivered.

TV Insider posted an interview with Weatherly earlier this month, including this excerpt about his time on NCIS:

Tony allowed me to do the widest range of acting I could ever imagine. I got to do Steve Martin Jerk-style and wild-and-crazy-guy comedy. I got to do my Cary Grant, my James Bond, my Indiana Jones. I got to chase bad guys, dive into water or climb up a building and shoot my gun. Then I’d go into the interrogation room and do strong, dramatic stuff. I’m forever grateful for that.

People offered some quotes from Weatherly’s recent conference call as well. When asked what he would miss the most about NCIS, he revealed that his character, Tony DiNozzo, is “already gone from me a little bit.” Weatherly also said:

I may have a surprise answer. Well, unless you’ve never seen the show in which case you’ll be like, ‘Wow, I had no idea that that would be a surprise answer.’ I think I will on one level miss the schedule, which is an inanimate kind of thing, but I’ll miss the structure that it gave my life.

And at the same time I will really revel in the freedom of not having that structure imposed on me, but there is something as you know so nice about not, you know, the greatest obstacle sometimes is no obstacle and so I know I’m going to miss the structure.

Glasberg spoke to TV Guide about the finale, and here’s a quote about Weatherly’s last day and what the future holds:

What was it like on set during his last day? Was the heartfelt goodbye we saw between Tony and the rest of the NCIS team pretty true to life?

Glasberg: That was actually his last scene as well. We made a point of filming that last moment as his last scene. It was great. Everyone acknowledges the opportunity that Michael had in terms of Bull. Everyone acknowledges his desire to move on, and now it’s time for us to focus on moving forward as well. So, it was gracious and professional and courteous and lovely. And it ended with a huge round of applause from the crew and lots of hugs, and now we look forward to what comes next. I’m excited that people went along for the ride and now it’s time for us to get back to … really significant and strong NCIS episodes in Season 14.

USA Today posted this video earlier this month, featuring Weatherly:

While promoting his new CBS series Bull today, Weatherly made a few comments about last night’s finale. You can watch two videos below (skip to 2:30 in the second video to reach the part about NCIS):

Finally, check out these tweets and photos, including some shared during filming, followed by a video:

Happy Earthday! #NCIS #carpool #clowncar @emilywickersham @therealseanhmurray @duanehenryofficial @michaelweatherly_

A photo posted by Sarah Clarke (@sarahbeingsarahclarke) on

We've cloned @michaelmweatherly and made him available in pocket size. Taking orders now. Cc: @katiebarkerpr

A photo posted by Kristen Hall (@kristenjane) on

“This scene was a powder keg for Michael. We could see it in his eyes from the moment he stepped on set. He prepared for this scene differently than anything we'd seen before. We could see it in his emotional state, the way he looked at Ziva's desk, and his body language. Michael wanted to experiment and try some things and we were all for it. Every member of the crew witnessed a shift that day in the Tony character. DiNozzo's world had officially been rocked. Tony wants answers and he refuses to believe Ziva is dead. Who can blame him? He wants proof. We wanted to make sure all those emotions and uncertainties and questions were properly presented. I've watched this scene a hundred times now. It's NCIS at its emotional best." – EP Gary Glasberg

A photo posted by ncis_cbs (@ncis_cbs) on

"Okay, so here's the big one, folks. First, let me thank you all for going on his journey with us. We imagine you're feeling a broad range of emotions right now. For months the writers have been discussing with me (and Michael) what would motivate Tony DiNozzo to leave his NCIS family? It would have to be something so powerful no one would disagree. It couldn't be another job. It couldn't be about money. I even struggled with it being for another relationship. Hours…days…we sat in the writers room talking. Being a field agent is dangerous. And if you're suddenly a single parent, do you continue to take that risk every day? Or does having a child change everything? Based on all of our research, talking to actual federal agents and law enforcement officers, it certainly does change things. And now Tony would do anything for that little girl. Anything. The real question is why didn't Ziva tell him sooner? Because, like Orli says, Ziva always wanted Tony to live HIS life. You all know Ziva as a fiercely independent character. We truly believe she was planning to introduce him to his daughter when the time was right. Should that frustrate and anger Tony? Of course it should. But he also knew Ziva well enough to understand. And, at the end of the day, look what she's given him. A new sense of purpose. A new chapter. A new beginning. A new love. We knew it would take something enormous to make Tony put down his badge. Tali is that very special something." – EP Gary Glasberg

A photo posted by ncis_cbs (@ncis_cbs) on

"Now Tony makes his way through a series of goodbyes. First, a raw and very real emotional moment with Abby. Then a respectful and professional DiNozzo leaves his gun and badge with Director Vance. Vance's appreciative glance says volumes. Then a warm exchange with Palmer and Ducky summing up years of professionalism and friendship. Finally, a special goodbye with McGee and Bishop. A passing of the baton to Tim. Now McGee is the 'Very Special Agent'. And Tony and Bishop had become true friends. Oh — and take a look in that box Tony is carrying. Lots of fun stuff in there from a photo of Kate to other assorted NCIS momentos. And, with that, Tony is off to be with Tali…his family. The next chapter for Anthony DiNozzo Jr." – NCIS EP Gary Glasberg

A photo posted by ncis_cbs (@ncis_cbs) on

"Finally, we leave you with some thoughts to consider over the summer as everyone rests, recovers, and recharges. We are eager to show you what NCIS has in store for season fourteen. Heck, we've got some great stuff headed your way. And that's the truth. But here's what I'd like to say before I go. We have no intention of trying to replace Tony…we can't. He was and always will be a huge part of this show. All we can do is move forward, evolve,and continue on this amazing journey for seasons to come. We truly hope you enjoyed our finale. That said, before I go, I urge everyone to go back and watch again. Really watch and listen. Hear what's being said. Pay attention. Tony Dinozzo is at peace. And he and Tali are moving on, searching for answers and happiness, just like the team has to move on as well. In Gibbs' basement, Gibbs and Tony agree on something very important, "You gotta do what you gotta do. And you gotta believe what you gotta believe." Thanks for believing.” – NCIS EP Gary Glasberg

A photo posted by ncis_cbs (@ncis_cbs) on

And here’s the video:

NCIS: NOLA offered the twenty-fourth and final episode of season two at 9:00pm. “Sleeping With the Enemy” was watched by 13.19 million viewers, with a 1.8/6 in the key demo (raised to 13.30 million when the final ratings were tallied, with no change in the demo). You can watch or re-watch the finale on, XFinity TV or Global TV.

New Orleans will return in the fall for season three.

Finally, check out these tweets and photos, including some posted during filming, followed by a video:

This is how you know sh-t's about to be BLOWED UP!! @ncisnola "Roll Cameras!!"

A photo posted by Ivan Sergei (@ivansergei) on

@ncisnola #ncisneworleans #wrapparty #thatsawrap @anthonyrivera #filmfamily

A photo posted by Zoe McLellan (@zoe_mclellan_official) on

On location with the glam squad! @ncisnola @lauragormancosmetics @nolafox @nataliechosa

A photo posted by Zoe McLellan (@zoe_mclellan_official) on

Last day shooting @ncisnola with @zoe_mclellan_official ! What a great show with great people! I start airing 5/3!

A photo posted by Ivan Sergei (@ivansergei) on

Brody kisses Sebastian again 🙂 @ncisnola @robkerkovich #kiss

A photo posted by Zoe McLellan (@zoe_mclellan_official) on

Thank you NCIS NOLA! What a great song to hear after wrapping season 2! Is it a sign?! @ncisnola #aliciakeys #girlonfire

A photo posted by Zoe McLellan (@zoe_mclellan_official) on

And here’s the video:

#ncisnola vs #uscg ?? #fitfam #fitlife #fitness #pushup #ship #imonaboat

A video posted by Shalita Grant (@shalitagrant) on

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