Take A Look At Tonight’s ‘CSI:Cyber’
3 min read
"404: Flight Not Found" sneak peeks
CSI: Cyber has a new episode on the schedule tonight at 10:00pm ET/PT. Here’s the HQ promo for “404: Flight Not Found”:
Next, check out the first sneak peek from the episode, featuring Daniel Krumitz (Charley Koontz), Brody Nelson (Shad Moss) and Raven Ramirez (Hayley Kiyoko). (You can also watch it on CBS.com, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
Scene number two features Avery Ryan (Patricia Arquette), FBI Director Silver (Sean Blakemore) and guest star Pilar Holland (Reporter). (It’s also available on CBS.com, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
And here’s clip number three, which features Nelson and Krumitz. (You can also find it on CBS.com, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
Pro Football Hall of Fame Running Back Emmitt Smith is playing himself in a brief cameo during “404: Flight Not Found”. Koontz told the Associated Press that Smith “became the star of the show.” Executive Producer Pam Veasey added, “He’s incredibly at ease and comfortable, and the minute guys yelled action, he went right into the scene. There were no overwhelming nerves or trouble with his lines.”
NFL Fan Pass shared a behind-the-scenes video about Smith’s guest appearance on Cyber, which you can watch here. The video features a look at the cameo itself, along with comments from Smith, Koontz, Veasey and Moss.
Finally, check out the First Look link, a collection of tweets and photos, and a video:
First Look: Buckle Up For A Hacker Hijacker On Sunday's All-New #CSICyber – https://t.co/jJvx0wiEjf pic.twitter.com/mSQQgkoDwh
— CSI: Cyber (@CSICyber) January 8, 2016
Don't miss @NFL legend, @EmmittSmith22, on this Sunday's all-new #CSICyber. pic.twitter.com/cyuBiu48xw
— CSI: Cyber (@CSICyber) January 6, 2016
Had a blast filming #CSICyber with @smoss & @charley_koontz. Check us out Sunday. https://t.co/1hmTthHbfH
— Emmitt Smith (@EmmittSmith22) January 7, 2016
YOU ARE GREAT @EmmittSmith22 ! Thnx for putting up w/ our weirdness it was an honor! Tune in @CSICyber SUNDAY @ 10! https://t.co/13ur4OKVtc
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) January 8, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. My plane's in a lot of trouble this Sunday on CBS at 10pm. @CSICyber @Skippsudduth
— Brian Howe (@BrianHoweActor) January 9, 2016
Watch @CSICyber with @smoss and @charley_koontz this Sunday on @CBS! pic.twitter.com/G9AzVA8V0z
— Emmitt Smith (@EmmittSmith22) January 9, 2016
@Skippsudduth @smoss @CSICyber thanks Skipp!! Can't wait to see it! I think it'll be our best one yet!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) January 9, 2016
@charley_koontz @smoss @CSICyber hope you guys like it!! Very proud we made this together!!
— Skipp Sudduth (@Skippsudduth) January 9, 2016
Tonight's #CSICyber is one of our best yet!! Tune in 10pm on @CBS! Plus a special appearance by @EmmittSmith22! Tell your friends!!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) January 10, 2016
Sure, but what do you watch AFTER the Golden Globes? Well, for one thing, I'll be nearly crashing a plane on @CSICyber, so there's that…
— Brian Howe (@BrianHoweActor) January 10, 2016
And here’s the video: