Check Out ‘Criminal Minds’ Ratings, Links & Promo
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"Mirror Image"
Criminal Minds aired the seventh episode of season twelve last night at 9:00pm ET/PT. “Mirror Image” pulled in 7.39 million viewers and a 1.4 rating/5 share in the key 18-49 demographic prized by advertisers (raised to 7.44 million viewers when the final ratings were counted, with no change in the demo). If you missed the episode, or would like to watch it again, you can find it on, XFinity TV or CTV.
Check out the promo for next week below (from SpoilerTV):
Aisha Tyler (Dr Tara Lewis) spoke to TV Guide about her character’s storyline and the team’s continuing search for Mr Scratch/Peter Lewis (Bodhi Elfman). Here’s an excerpt:
Mr. Scratch must have a bigger plan in mind, right? I refuse to believe that he think he’d get you guys with flying nails.
Tyler: No, no, no, he’s a game player for sure. I think he’s going to haunt the BAU for quite a while.
Is he just going to target each person through a relative? Should we be worried about Reid’s mom, since Jane Lynch is returning?
Tyler: I can’t tell you that! … Mr. Scratch is a very prominent figure and I think he’s probably going to touch every member of the BAU by the time the season ends. That’s all I can say. We hear a little bit [from producers], but we don’t get a season-long spoiler, so I honestly don’t know a lot, but you will see him again soon.
Finally, check out these tweets and photos:
Look who is back in the directing chair! #CriminalMinds #setlife #SeasonXII @JoeMantegna @PamLeonte @thedailydewey
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) September 19, 2016
Set your DVR my friend 🙂 #NOV18 ✨?✨ #CriminalMinds RT @CindySp01766220: @AlimiBallard Hey Alimi! When can we see you on CM??? So excited!
— Alimi Ballard (@AlimiBallard) October 21, 2016
Join me, TONIGHT with the beautiful and talented @Aishatyler on #CriminalMinds Don't blink. Seeing, is not always believing! @CrimMinds_CBS
— Stan Shaw (@StanShaw1) November 30, 2016
Tonight’s #CriminalMinds was directed by @joemantegna
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Take a peek at Prentiss’ new office #CriminalMinds @pagetpaget
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Spotlight on Profile: Tara and Gabriel Lewis #CriminalMinds @aishatyler
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Spotlight on the Profile: Albert Lewis #CriminalMinds @StanShaw1
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
We <3 you, @Garcia_BAU #CriminalMinds @Vangsness
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
How much was that BAU bet against @Garcia_BAU? #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Tara mentioned the bullies of her past to Antonia Slade in "Devil's Backbone" #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
The name Carl Brubaker was inspired by a comic book writer and Robert Redford film #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Spotlight on the Profile: Photos of Gabriel #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Get ready, #CriminalMinds fans. #MrScratch is back!
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Remember the last time the BAU tangled with #MrScratch? #CriminalMinds @bodhielfman
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Desmond Holt’s name was listed on a DMV record obtained by #MrScratch in “The Crimson King” @AlimiBallard
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
The name of Desmond's doctor, Barbara Lawrence, was inspired by both the mother and wife of #CriminalMinds Writer Breen Frazier
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
#CriminalMinds star @AishaTyler and @AlimiBallard created the Lewis sibling secret handshake
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
BAU: Not your typical 9 to 5 #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
The name Leonte Chianti was inspired by #CriminalMinds Script Supervisor Pam Leonte, who is a wine connoisseur
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Gotta thank #BreenFrazier for writing it. #IncredibleTALENT #BiggUps #CriminalMinds
— Alimi Ballard (@AlimiBallard) December 1, 2016
She LITERALLY made it a dream experience. Must thank Dir. @JoeMantegna & writer #BreenFrazier Hard to express how FRICKIN special it felt. ?
— Alimi Ballard (@AlimiBallard) December 1, 2016
STAN!!!!! @StanShaw1 Was an honor to share the screen with you sir. Been a HUGE fan since I can remember. Thanks for your wise word ?
— Alimi Ballard (@AlimiBallard) December 1, 2016
Alimi !!! @AlimiBallard Humbled, and Appreciative! The pleasure was all mine brother! Keep living up to your print! #Awesome
— Stan Shaw (@StanShaw1) December 1, 2016
. @JoeMantegna directed tonight's killer episode of @CrimMinds_CBS and we couldn't have been in better hands. He's a maestro.
— Aisha Tyler (@aishatyler) December 1, 2016
Prentiss is killing it as the new Unit Chief #CriminalMinds @PagetPaget
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Go behind the scenes of 2nite’s #CriminalMinds w/ @aishatyler
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Another close call by the BAU #CriminalMinds @aishatyler
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Another close call by the BAU #CriminalMinds @aishatyler
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Thanks to the east coast @CrimMinds_CBS fans for the incredible love for tonight's episode! West coast peeps get ready! 9p tonight!
— Aisha Tyler (@aishatyler) December 1, 2016
Absolutely love working with @Aishatyler beautiful passion, and calm! Controlled power!#CriminalMinds @CrimMinds_CBS #StanFans
— Stan Shaw (@StanShaw1) December 1, 2016
Just 2 boys frm the westside of ChiTown~Special thx to my friend of over 4 decades @JoeMantegna on directing a gr8 episode! #CriminalMinds
— Stan Shaw (@StanShaw1) December 1, 2016
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Last Night's #CriminalMinds: #behindthescenes
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) December 1, 2016
Current Mood: #Grazie?
— Alimi Ballard (@AlimiBallard) December 1, 2016