Sinise Performs For ‘CM:BB’ Cast & Crew, Plus News, Tweets & Photos
21 min read
Gary Sinise and CM: BB
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders’ leading man Gary Sinise (Jack Garrett) took the stage with the Lt Dan Band on Friday night. They performed a concert to celebrate the show’s upcoming second season, which is slated to premiere at midseason (exact date TBA), and to benefit the Gary Sinise Foundation. Here are three videos, followed by a collection of photos:
Great concert for a great cause thank you @GarySiniseFound @GarySinise some❤️ from #SofiaMilos
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 15, 2016
And here are the photos:
Watching the fabulous @GarySinise and the Lt.DanBand perform for the cast and crew of @CriminalMindsBB #AMAZING #cmbb @GarySiniseFound
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) October 15, 2016
Fri night #CMBB mid season bash with @GarySiniseFound and #theLtDanBand on the lot. Not a bad way to end the week
— Todd Aronauer (@TAronauer) October 15, 2016
The homies having a blast #cmbb @GarySinise @GarySiniseFound @TJoy38008 @dimedavis @brkdwninla #terry
— e4 (@e4meredith) October 15, 2016
#CMBB mid season bash with #LtDanBand @ CBS Radford. Thank you @GarySinise for a great concert and a great cause @GarySiniseFound
— Frank Morrone (@FrankMorronemix) October 15, 2016
Great concert last night on the @CBS lot by LtDan @GarySinise & his awesome band ??@CriminalMindsBB @GarySiniseFound
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 15, 2016
TV Line revealed in August that Matt Cohen (Supernatural) will have a recurring role during the second season of Beyond Borders. He will play Jack’s son Ryan, who is following in his father’s footsteps by becoming an FBI agent. Cohen will make his first appearance in the season premiere. Here are several tweets about the actor on the CM: BB set:
A special thanks to @GeneralHospital for being so kind in working with us to make @mattcohen4real part of #CMBB this year. #ClassAct #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) August 28, 2016
@mattcohen4real @GarySinise going over some lines b4 doing a father/son scene on #CMBB Love it. #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 7, 2016
Just finished shooting a scene with @mattcohen4real who of course killed it. Take care of him #SPNDALLAS I need him back on #CMBB Monday.
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 17, 2016
Executive Producer Adam Glass used to work on Supernatural, and he revealed that a number of stars from that show will have guest spots this season, in addition to Cohen. Here are some relevant tweets from Glass, the actors, and several crew members associated with both CM: BB and Supernatural (more can be found in this post from August, including several tweets about Cohen before his role was revealed):
@mattcohen4real @dicksp8jr @RobBenedict @OsricChau @erinkarpluk are all on #CMBB this year because they're great actors, and also #SPNFamily
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) August 28, 2016
Late night shoots with this beautiful man. @RobBenedict #SPN #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) August 26, 2016
A bruised and weary God…
— Rob Benedict (@RobBenedict) August 26, 2016
Tough day working with @RobBenedict @dicksp8jr yesterday. NOT! Having so much fun. Love these guys. #SPN #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 1, 2016
Two old friends JUST having coffee. Wink. Wink. #Supernatural #CMBB @jumblejim
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 14, 2016
Had lunch w/old buddy @AdamGlass44 on his new show, Criminal Minds Beyond Borders. Just lunch. That's all. No more.
— Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) September 19, 2016
Look whose back. Back again. Look whose back, look whose back, look whose back #SPN #CMBB @jumblejim @kimrhodes4real
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 27, 2016
Concept Mtg w/ Director @NLopezCorrado & Writer @ChrisBarbour101 #criminalmindsbeyondborders #CMBB gonna be a fun ep!
— Todd Aronauer (@TAronauer) September 29, 2016
Together. Again. Ohhhhhh yes.
— ΞXΓЯΞMΞ ҜIM (@kimrhodes4real) September 29, 2016
What can I say? I love my #SPNFamily @kimrhodes4real @jumblejim are going 2 b great on #CMBB playing partners. #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 29, 2016
@TheJimMichaels and guess who's directing?! Me! @TheRealSPNBaby1 @AdamGlass44 @jumblejim @kimrhodes4real #SPNFamily @CriminalMindsBB
— Nina Lopez-Corrado (@NLopezCorrado) September 30, 2016
Love you too @kimrhodes4real – I'll see you at #CMBB
— Todd Aronauer (@TAronauer) October 1, 2016
So happy when your old family meets your new one. Great actors, even greater actors. @GarySinise @kimrhodes4real @jumblejim #Supernatural
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) October 11, 2016
@GarySinise @kimrhodes4real @jumblejim Ha! Great actors, even greater people is what I meant to say. Got to stop tweeting while i drink.
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) October 11, 2016
Look! A thorn between two roses! And she couldn't be happier. #CMBB @AdamGlass44 @jumblejim @GarySinise
— ΞXΓЯΞMΞ ҜIM (@kimrhodes4real) October 11, 2016
Love this picture of @jumblejim @kimrhodes4real @GarySinise #SPNFamily Jim and Kim ate killing it. Can't wait for you to see it. #CMBB #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) October 12, 2016
Be jealous. Me haz @jumblejim on #CMBB
— ΞXΓЯΞMΞ ҜIM (@kimrhodes4real) October 11, 2016
End of a long day with @kimrhodes4real and @GarySinise. But not nearly as long as tomorrow will be. Kim has more lines than a London map.
— Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) October 13, 2016
All. The. Words. Worth it to be with you again, though. (And, for the record, @GarySinise is pretty awesome too.)
— ΞXΓЯΞMΞ ҜIM (@kimrhodes4real) October 13, 2016
Nine scenes of thick technical dialog today. Happy not all of it is mine. Gonna be a bear.
— Jim Beaver (@jumblejim) October 13, 2016
TV Line got some additional information about the characters played by Jim Beaver and Kim Rhodes, who will both appear in episode nine. Beaver will play Donald Atwood, the Deputy Director of National Intelligence, who “has a familiar shorthand” with Jack. Rhodes, meanwhile, will play Lydia Barnes. An Executive Assistant Director of the FBI’s National Security Branch, Barnes is “a committed agent with an unwavering sense of duty.”
Here are two interviews with Alana De La Garza (Clara Seger) from the Monte-Carlo TV Festival in June, which were shared last month:
Finally, check out this collection of tweets and photos, followed by several videos:
"I don't like the way he eats ice cream." -Jeannot #notwrong #cmbb #setlife
— e4 (@e4meredith) August 30, 2016
Worlds away on this Tuesday afternoon. #cmbb @CriminalMindsBB @GarySinise @Alana_DeLaGarza @AdamGlass44 #MadeIn
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 30, 2016
"You're walking with the legs of love!" -Jeannot ? #cmbb @Alana_DeLaGarza @GarySinise @simonkass @cmbeyondborders @CriminalMindsBB
— e4 (@e4meredith) September 1, 2016
Late nights with these guys! @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB @danielhenney @simonkass
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) September 2, 2016
When u work w legends inside&out.@Alana_DeLaGarza @GarySinise @theanniefunke @danielhenney #SnapChatGameIsSTRONG ???
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) September 2, 2016
It's really a shame we don't get along..?❤️
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) September 4, 2016
@e4meredith @cmbeyondborders @CriminalMindsBB I loved working with him again !!
— Bobby Chacon (@BobbyChaconFBI) September 3, 2016
Let the mixing begin. First week of #CMBB season 2 #CMBBS2 @TechnicolorCrea
— Frank Morrone (@FrankMorronemix) September 4, 2016
I might hv a Ph.D. but u r th real rocket scientist @GarySinise! A great actor & a humble human being! #CMBB #actors
— KOUSH (KOUSHIK) (@koushikchat) September 5, 2016
“I have to work myself into the appropriate state of anxiety.” -Jeannot ? #cmbb #quotes @cmbeyondborders
— e4 (@e4meredith) September 6, 2016
We traded the IRT Jeep for a Golf cart…solid decision. #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) September 10, 2016
We bring the party wherever we go. #BeyondBorders #TravelTuesday #Setlife #CMBB
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 13, 2016
Can Simmons knock on my door? ??? @danielhenney @CriminalMindsBB @brkdwninla #cmbb
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 14, 2016
Just wrapped shooting on @CriminalMindsBB ❤️Can't wait for season 2? @Alana_DeLaGarza @danielhenney @GarySinise @theanniefunke @AdamGlass44
— Taylor Black (@Taylor_Black_NY) September 15, 2016
Such a blast working on @cbstv @CriminalMindsBB ❤️. #CMBB #CriminalMinds
— Taylor Black (@Taylor_Black_NY) September 15, 2016
@BobbyChaconFBI @CMBBFans @cbstv @CriminalMindsBB thank you!! Great meeting you ??
— Taylor Black (@Taylor_Black_NY) September 15, 2016
@CriminalMindsBB that's a wrap! @CrimMinds_CBS @CBS #CMBB ??
— Taylor Black (@Taylor_Black_NY) September 16, 2016
We just can't contain ourselves! @TJoy38008 @cmbeyondborders @AdamGlass44 #cmbb #locationscout
— e4 (@e4meredith) September 19, 2016
Rolling, rolling, rolling… onto EP208. #cmbb @TJoy38008
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 20, 2016
Me with some of the amazing #crew at #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders scouting for their shoot. Watch the Season 2 premi…
— Natalia Santamaria (@thebluehanger) September 20, 2016
I can't believe I get to do this for a living. #Universal backlot. #CMBB #SPN #dreamcometrue
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 20, 2016
You can't imagine how "EXCITED" This Mom is 2 see #CMBB #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders #MattSimmons in the Korean Episode
????????Love Korea!!— Phil & Chris Henney (@philandchris) September 20, 2016
@TylerJamesWill and I are serious about crime…?? #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) September 21, 2016
Happy to say that I booked an awesome Guest Starring role on @CrimMinds_CBS :Beyond Borders , @GarySinise Sinise
???— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 21, 2016
Lunch at our favorite spot! #scouting #cmbb @TJoy38008
— e4 (@e4meredith) September 23, 2016
Sooo this happened ???? #CMBB
— Ticona S. Joy (@TJoy38008) September 23, 2016
Last night shooting at a Cemetery with the Super Talented @GarySinise and @danielhenney #CriminalMinds #BeyondBorders
— Luis Moncada (@LuisMoncada77) September 23, 2016
Y'all we're having too much fun out here! @TJoy38008 #cmbb #EP208 @CriminalMindsBB @e4meredith
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 23, 2016
1:37am…nothing like an all night Friday shoot in a junkyard. #CMBB #criminalmindsbeyondborders #weekend
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) September 24, 2016
My #mondaymotivation is starting work on #CriminalMinds :BB today with wardrobe make up etc what's yours ? #Sofia ?
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 26, 2016
How come I got older and @danielhenney got handsomer? So unfair! #reunited #CMBB #ShanghaiCalling
— Daniel Hsia (@danielhsia) September 27, 2016
?? #CBS behind the scenes
The #cop and the #Victim #specialeffects #SofiaMilos #agentBalaban— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 27, 2016
It's that time, again! Table Read for EP208. Written by @TJoy38008, directed by @ellebeeshadow! Let's just say punches will be thrown! ?
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 28, 2016
Here's another doozy from #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders! If you're #Mexican this sign will probably mean just as much…
— Natalia Santamaria (@thebluehanger) September 29, 2016
Seeing double?! On the set of EP208 with @Alana_DeLaGarza and her stunt double @OfficialAmyJane #cmbb @CriminalMindsBB @TJoy38008
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 29, 2016
Introducing sergeant Alex Balaban??
#onSet @CriminalMindsBB @garysiniseofficial @alana_delagarza @CBS #SofiaMilos— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 29, 2016
@ArchontoulaKan2 yes it is !
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 30, 2016
@CriminalMindsBB @GarySinise @Alana_DeLaGarza awesome team awesome set
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 30, 2016
Shooting @CriminalMindsBB @GarySinise your awesome! ? Thank you for welcoming me and making it a great set
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 30, 2016
We change the world #womanpower @alana_delagarza #CMBB @criminalmindsbb_cbs @crimmindscbs @cbstv
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 30, 2016
Do you miss us? @davidcaruso1 @CSIMiami_CBS @Alana_DeLaGarza #PureSexAppeal #CMBB #HoratioLove
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 30, 2016
@JohnTDolan thank you probably not until March , I'll make sure to let everyone know
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) September 30, 2016
@CriminalMindsBB season 2 coming this spring on @CBS ?❤️ #CMBB
— Taylor Black (@Taylor_Black_NY) September 30, 2016
— Laura Belsey (@ellebeeshadow) October 3, 2016
On the set of @CriminalMindsBB EP208 ? #CMBB @TJoy38008
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) October 3, 2016
I have all the perspectives #cmbb #setlife @TJoy38008 @CriminalMindsBB
— e4 (@e4meredith) October 4, 2016
@CriminalMindsBB love this cast and crew !?#SofiaMilos @Alana_DeLaGarza @GarySinise @CBS
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 5, 2016
Having good time #onset of @CriminalMindsBB
As Greek Sergeant Alex Balaban
With beauty @Alana_DeLaGarza
? ❤️ @CBS— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 5, 2016
You're the best!!!?❤️#CMBB
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) October 6, 2016
The homies shooting late. @TJoy38008 #cmbb #EP208 @CriminalMindsBB @AdamGlass44 ?
— e4 (@e4meredith) October 7, 2016
Y'all look at this epic side-eye ? #cmbb @TJoy38008 @CriminalMindsBB #EP208
— e4 (@e4meredith) October 7, 2016
These ladies getting it done! ? @TJoy38008 @GarySinise @danielhenney @ellebeeshadow #cmbb
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) October 8, 2016
It's a #wrap ! ?
Had a blast with this #cast ❤️ @GarySinise @dopudmike @Alana_DeLaGarza
@criminalmindsbb_cbs @CBS— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 8, 2016
Creating fun memories ??@criminalmindsbb_cbs @GarySinise ?@Alana_DeLaGarza ❤️@dopudmike ? @cbstv #SofiaMilos ?
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 8, 2016
And here are the videos:
Must be Friday #set life #cmbb @cmbeyondborders
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 27, 2016
So here's the truth… @simonkass was cast. He's pretty alright!? #FitsInFine #SnapchatParty @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) September 3, 2016
Nothing but love…? this is what really happens behind the scenes. @theanniefunke @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB #SetLife
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) September 10, 2016
#CM:Beyond Borders – My dream – hang this sign at the live audience viewing waiting area on the CBS Radford Lot-1500 views per week!
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) September 21, 2016
Having fun #onset #CMBB @Alana_DeLaGarza @dopudmike @CriminalMindsBB
— Sofia Milos official (@milossofia) October 7, 2016
Related: ‘CM:BB’ Starts Filming Tomorrow
‘CM:BB’ Kicks Off Season 2 Filming
Check Out More ‘CM:BB’ Tweets & Set Pics
Check Out More ‘CM:BB’ Tweets & Set Photos