Watch An ‘NCIS:LA’ Promo, Plus Tweets & Photos
11 min read
As CSI Files reported yesterday, the eighth season of NCIS: Los Angeles will premiere with back-to-back episodes on Sunday, September 25 at 8:30pm ET/8:00pm PT. You can watch a 10-second preview below:
Are you ready for more #NCISLA action? Don't miss the season premiere on Sunday, September 25th on @CBS.
— NCIS LA (@NCISLA) September 13, 2016
Eric Christian Olsen (Marty Deeks) posted this slightly-longer, cropped promo on his Instagram:
Executive Producer R Scott Gemmill recently spoke to Yahoo about season eight, and here’s an excerpt:
What’s coming up?: Season 8 sees the NCIS: Los Angeles team thrust out of their individual comfort zones with everything from leadership shake-ups, marriage proposals, and new roommates, to potential career-ending injuries and personal tragedy.
Next, check out this question and answer from TV Line:
I’d like scoop on NCIS: LA. —Molly
Renee Felice Smith effused that in the season premiere (now airing Sunday, Sept. 25), she and Linda Hunt have “a really nice, almost ‘mother/daughter’ scene, where Nell is trying to re-inspire Hetty.” Barret Foa’s Eric, meanwhile, will be spied on the shooting range in Episode 3, polishing the skills first taught to him by Sam last season. “He’s gotten very good!” reports showrunner R. Scott Gemmill.
Daniela Ruah (Kensi Blye) did an interview with Fit Pregnancy last month, prior to the birth of her daughter. You can see a photo in the tweet below, which links to the interview:
EXCLUSIVE: #NCISLA star @DanielaRuah reveals the lessons she's learned about motherhood:
— Fit Pregnancy (@fitpregnancy) August 11, 2016
And here’s a congratulatory tweet from the official NCIS: LA Twitter account, followed by a photo Ruah shared of her children:
A big congratulations goes out to #NCISLA star, @DanielaRuah on her beautiful baby girl!
— NCIS LA (@NCISLA) September 9, 2016
Finally, check out this collection of tweets and photos, which have been shared over the past five weeks, followed by several videos:
Words of wisdom from @jpkouz "life goes on…and then there is publicity" #NCISLA
— Katie Barker (@KatieBarkerPR) August 10, 2016
Start shooting #NCISLA tomorrow! Looking a forward to an awesome shoot to entertain and delight ?
— Dennis Smith (@NCISDIR) August 10, 2016
So pumped? to be headed back to #NCISLA working w/ @jpkouz and the #bestcastandcrewinhollywood ep#804 w/by the talented JordanaLewisJaffe ??
— James Hanlon (@hanlonnyc) August 11, 2016
Love having our friend and talented colleague @hanlonnyc back for E804. Writ by Jordana Lewis Jaffe. Great team #ncisla #StayTuned #grateful
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 12, 2016
Men at work #NCISLA
— Dennis Smith (@NCISDIR) August 12, 2016
Scouting E804 with favs…@hanlonnyc #jordana Lewis Jaffe You're going to love this location. #CBSSunday8PMOct2
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 12, 2016
@britgirl36 806!
— Joe Wilson (@JoeyWilson57) August 13, 2016
Small room, two cameras? Yes, we can do this #ncisla S8 Ep.3 #ncislafamily
— Louis De La Costa (@LouisDeLaCosta) August 15, 2016
@Miguel_J_Ferrer I can't wait to see you brother next week ?
— James Hanlon (@hanlonnyc) August 15, 2016
Happy to have @MissAlyssaDiaz from Ray Donavan on #NCISLA so talented
— Dennis Smith (@NCISDIR) August 16, 2016
@NCISDIR happy to be working with you!!! The #talented and #efficient Mr.Smith 🙂
— Alyssa Diaz (@MissAlyssaDiaz) August 17, 2016
Friday Tea Party. Last day with @NCISDIR Dennis Smith, ep#803. Monday starts "Black Market" w/@hanlonnyc. #ncisla
— Rick Tunell (@rtunell) August 19, 2016
@Just_Alasia @NCISDIR @hanlonnyc yes
— Rick Tunell (@rtunell) August 19, 2016
@GermanNCISLAFan Thank you Monday early Black Market begins ????
— James Hanlon (@hanlonnyc) August 20, 2016
Prep E804 is complete. Thx??@hanlonnyc and Wrt.Jordana Lewis Jaffe. #NCISLA #willnotdisappoint
Prep begins Mon.E805 thx2one&only@Harimoto??— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 20, 2016
Looking forward to prep on E805. Heavy duty applied, producing this awesome script, by master @Harimoto Many thanks #NCISLA #wontdisappoint
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 20, 2016
Finished 1st #NCISLA now off to #BULL with a Jessie Stern script!
— Dennis Smith (@NCISDIR) August 20, 2016
First shot 7:43am. @ericcolsen and @reneefsmith @hanlonnyc Ep#804. #ncisla #bestcrewinhollywood
— Rick Tunell (@rtunell) August 25, 2016
Happy Friday! Scouting Ep#805 w/@Harimoto, @jpkouz and director Benny Boom. #ncisla
— Rick Tunell (@rtunell) August 26, 2016
Tech scout complete on E805 #ncisla Benny Boom is on deck ready to rumble come next week. #staytuned #CBSSunday8pmOct2
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 27, 2016
@hanlonnyc Loved having you with us. Looking forward to our next ride! Stay well, James❤️????
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 31, 2016
Prep begins on E806 2morrow!
E.Pot will be at the helm, Directing another masterpiece Writby @JoeyWilson57 BOOM? #NCISLA #CBSSunday8pmOct02— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) August 31, 2016
Yesterday's table read for NCIS: Los Angeles ? #ncis #ncisla
— Hannah Gottesman (@HannahGottesman) August 31, 2016
September. #ncisla
— Rick Tunell (@rtunell) September 1, 2016
Prepping E806 with E.Pot @JoeyWilson57 and @MrGaryBGoldman Exciting things in store for you! BOOM!?
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 1, 2016
Rehearsal. 7am call time. Happy Friday #ncisla #bestcrewinhollywood
— Rick Tunell (@rtunell) September 2, 2016
Thanks, @rtunell for this bts photo of #thebestcastandcrewinthebiz Rick keeps our series running smoothly…everyday
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 3, 2016
My view today. For my Florida friends, I need to put sun screen on. Livin da Dream on NCIS: LA
— Michael Kubeisy (@mike4stills) September 2, 2016
The team is back in one month…see you Sunday, Oct 2nd on @cbs!!?#NCISLA
— LLCOOLJ. (@llcoolj) September 2, 2016
Wait to see what happens here! #NCISLA #staytuned E806 CBSSunday8pm! ???thx @JoeyWilson57
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 6, 2016
It's a Pizza @rtunell ! Tech scout lunch E806 #ncisla
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 6, 2016
@Ladydi2000 is on deck(literally) #ncisla E807! Prep begins Monday, 9/12.
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 7, 2016
Begin production on Monday 9/12. @JoeyWilson57 at his best! #NCISLA #staytuned #premeire #CBSSunday8pmOct02
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 7, 2016
Hot off the press…NEW PREMIER DATE for NCISLA 2-part Episode #CBSSunday8:30-10:30Sept25. following week @ regular time 8pm.#SpreadTheWord
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 12, 2016
Two hour season premiere of #NCISLA is coming your way Sunday, 9/25! Check out the photos!
— Watch! Magazine (@cbswatchmag) September 12, 2016
I'll be back on #NCISLA again next week once again as Detective Dan Evans:)
— Matthew Godbey (@MatthewGodbey) September 12, 2016
Cast read through today on #NCISLA 🙂 great to see everyone again!
— Matthew Godbey (@MatthewGodbey) September 12, 2016
#ICYMI – 2-hour season premiere of #NCISLA on 9/25. Suspense/Action/Comedy/Drama/Love…all in one!
— Katie Barker (@KatieBarkerPR) September 13, 2016
@Ladydi2000 is in the house! ?BOOM?
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 13, 2016
Inspired by @rtunell ?
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 14, 2016
#NCISLA Sept.25th 2hr.premiere is outstanding. It is, by far, one of our BEST EVER season openers CBSSept25 at 8:30pm!#Boom #wontdisappoint
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 14, 2016
The team comes under fire in the special two-hour Season 8 premiere of #NCISLA:
— NCIS LA (@NCISLA) September 14, 2016
The countdown has begun…11 days until Season 8 premiere #ncisla #wontdisappoint #StayTuned #CBSSundaySept25830PM
— John Peter Kousakis (@jpkouz) September 15, 2016
And here are the videos:
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