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Jane Lynch Returns To ‘Criminal Minds’, Plus More News, Tweets & Photos

17 min read
Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

According to TV Guide, the upcoming twelfth season of Criminal Minds will feature the return of Jane Lynch as Diana Reid, the mother of Dr Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler). She’ll appear in two episodes scheduled to air in early 2017, starting with episode 11, as part of a “heavy Reid story.” Here’s a quote from Executive Producer Erica Messer:

We’re really excited. It’s a fun Reid story and she’s really excited to come back and reprise her role. She’s been a busy lady and we’re still here, so we’re happy to be able to offer that opportunity for her to come back.

Messer spoke to TV Line about season 12, including this comment about Luke Alvez, the new character played by Adam Rodriguez:

The fun thing about that character is, not that he’s a new [Derek], but what is Garcia going to think of the new guy? There’s something real in the workplace environment where a friend leaves and you’re like, ‘I’ll never love anyone the way I loved that friend,’ so she has to warm up to him.

Rodriguez used to play Eric Delko on another CBS crime drama, CSI: Miami, which made him a good fit for Criminal Minds. As Messer told TV Insider, “Adam’s our missing piece. The show’s criminal profiling dialogue isn’t easy, but because of his history, he sells it without question.”

Here’s a video featuring Rodriguez, shared by CBS:

Rodriguez did a photoshoot for CBS Watch! Magazine back in July, and you can find the scans here. You can also read a segment of the interview below:

Is it intimidating to be the new guy in a series with such a long-standing cast?

I love the feeling of butterflies about anything. I can’t call it anxiousness, because it’s not anxiety. But when I have that feeling, I have to run toward it—whether it’s meeting my wife or joining the cast of a hit show and being the new character [to replace a departed one]. I love the challenge of it. And I’ve been on the other side of it—when I left CSI after season 7, there was someone who came to replace my character.

Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia) did an interview with #NerdProblems last month, in which she discussed season 12 and recent cast changes. Here’s an excerpt:

KRISTIN: There have been quite a few changes over the years as we watched some original characters go and new ones be introduced. This past season Shemar Moore, who played Derek Morgan, bowed out. And now we know Thomas Gibson will no longer be on for season 12. How are the remaining characters going to overcome those losses, because they are huge heartbreaks for fans watching?

KIRSTEN: It’s rough on everyone to be sure, and I wish I had a beautiful clean answer for you. I don’t know who will overcome losses, some losses aren’t meant to be overcome, but all losses make for good stories and good character development and all the jazz that makes a show compelling and watchable. The best parts of any story to me are the unexpected things, and we have really imaginative, smart writers— I can’t wait to see what they make with the ingredients they have on hand.

Vangsness also spoke to Parade last month, and here’s a quote:

What’s it like to have Paget back?

It’s fantastic. She is such a good actor. She makes lines so compelling just by her own Paget Brewster intellect-informed thing. It is just so great to have her energy as a human on set. Then as an actress, she’s adding so much. We’re actually heavier on ladies now than we are on guys, which is a first and it’s really fun. I love all the dudes. It’s not that. We do a show where there’s a lot of female victims, and I don’t think that’s an accurate thing that we want to promote in the world, so it’s nice to have that balance that the people who are doing the protecting and helping are of the female persuasion, too.

And here’s another interview with Vangsness, from Starry Constellation Magazine, including this excerpt:

Q) And everyone is loving that Paget Brewster will be back on “Criminal Minds!”

A) It’s great that she is back! It’s neat because the fans’ reflection of that was, “Oh my gosh! She’s back,” which is pretty much what we were all doing. And I just found out the day everyone found out. She couldn’t tell anyone. It makes a lot of sense that she is now the head of the team. This is our first episode with this happening, but it is just lovely.

Aisha Tyler (Dr Tara Lewis) did a live chat with The Talk co-host Julie Chen earlier this month, and you can find the interview below (jump to approximately 10:30 for Tyler’s comments on Criminal Minds):

Tyler also spoke to People about becoming a series regular during season 12, as well as the firing of Thomas Gibson (Aaron Hotchner). You can watch the video below:

Finally, check out these tweets and photos, which have been shared over the past month, followed by several videos:

Working with Joey Bragg on set today! I haven't worked with him since 2011!

A photo posted by Romel De Silva (@romeldesilva) on

View outside my trailer for Criminal Minds shoot

A photo posted by Jill Whelan (@jill_whelan) on

So excited to be #onset shooting my first #costar! This is my #theImaginedLife. #actors #myowntrailer #movingonup #1mom

A photo posted by Erica Lamkin Wiesen (@ericawiesen) on

Hanging with the amazing Jill Whelan! #theloveboat #criminalminds

A photo posted by Tawnia Cannell Mckiernan (@tawnia_cannell_mckiernan) on

#SquadGoals on set! Working with some amazing people! #setlife

A photo posted by Romel De Silva (@romeldesilva) on

In the thick of it #CriminalMinds #followthejourney #getbusylivin

A photo posted by Vishesh Chachra (@v_chachra) on

#dolls #movieprops #criminalminds #season12

A photo posted by Ted Hardwick (@tedhardwick) on

Bride on bubble wrap. #bridedoll #doll #movieprops #criminalminds #season12

A photo posted by Ted Hardwick (@tedhardwick) on

@missfabu and I hanging on #criminalminds #theanti-terrorsquad

A photo posted by Tawnia Cannell Mckiernan (@tawnia_cannell_mckiernan) on

Cool way to start September!!! Table read… #bookedit #actorslife #onset

A photo posted by Kevin Sifuentes (@kevinsifuenteslife) on

Baby Deer. Baby Deer. Elegant, beautiful & sometimes takes cover in the soft clover of her surroundings. Same Same. @ajcook

A photo posted by kirstenvangsness (@kirstenvangsness) on

Yes the costume dept eating treats complements @gublergram & Messer

A photo posted by BJ Rogers (@bjrdesign) on

Got to work with a great actor and even better guy. @_adam_rodriguez is the truth. A real G! Honored.

A photo posted by Marcus Hanson (@marcushanson17) on

#actorslife #fun #criminalminds #criminalmindsfandom #criminalmindsfans #criminalmindscast

A photo posted by Kevin Sifuentes (@kevinsifuenteslife) on

Whoooaa Nelly! Hold on to your knickers.. ✨?✨ #LetsRUMBLE #CriminalMinds #ThankFulThursday

A photo posted by Alimi Ballard (@alimiballard) on

Got to work with this brilliant actor, @ahmaddugas this week. Such a force! Hope to work with you again, my friend.

A photo posted by Marcus Hanson (@marcushanson17) on

i'm on this tv show. i talk fast, find clues, and sometimes shoot people in the elbow. also, i've directed 10 super spooky episodes.

A photo posted by official matthew gray gubler (@gublergram) on

Lights.. Camera.. Rumble.. ✨?✨ #BringThaDrama #CriminalMinds @CrimMindsCBS

A photo posted by Alimi Ballard (@alimiballard) on

How transpo gets the vehicles to set #Criminalminds #transport @i_am_not_the_unsub

A photo posted by BJ Rogers (@bjrdesign) on

This here brought a HUGE smile to my face. Thank you sincerely Pam 🙂 Thanks Joe! #BringThaDrama ✨?✨ #CriminalMinds

A photo posted by Alimi Ballard (@alimiballard) on

Lights.. Camera.. Let's RUMBLE.. #BringThatDRAMA • ??? @CrimMindsCBS

A photo posted by Alimi Ballard (@alimiballard) on

Director.. Writer.. #TooSchoolForCool #CriminalMinds #YeeaaahMang ? #CraaazyFun #WhenTheCameraAintRollin

A photo posted by Alimi Ballard (@alimiballard) on

And here are the videos:

Special shout out, with an awesome actor and director, and straight up great guy.

A video posted by Marcus Hanson (@marcushanson17) on

Only 4 More days until the #CriminalMinds season premiere!! @aishatyler

A video posted by Criminal Minds (@crimmindscbs) on

Related: CBS Shares Premiere Info & New Cast Details
Thomas Gibson Fired From ‘Criminal Minds’
Messer Talks ‘Criminal Minds’ Season 12, Plus Tweets & Set Photos
‘Criminal Minds’ Promotes Brewster To Series Regular
Check Out More ‘NCIS’, ‘NCIS:NOLA’ & ‘Criminal Minds’ Premiere Info, Plus 2 Promos
Check Out A ‘Criminal Minds’ Premiere Promo

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