‘CM:BB’ Kicks Off Season 2 Filming
2 min read
As CSI Files previously reported, the second season of Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders started filming on Monday, July 11. The season premiere is called “Lost Souls”; it was written by Executive Producer Erica Meser and directed by Alec Smight. You can find a collection of tweets and photos from the first week of filming below:
We're baaaaaccckkk!! #CMBB Season 2 day 1!!! ? pic.twitter.com/miLMCQD4yg
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) July 11, 2016
Look who's back for the first #CMBB table read of the season! RT if you are excited for season 2. pic.twitter.com/Ixo0rWsB5f
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) July 11, 2016
And so it begins! The IRT takes flight in EP 201 of #CMBB! #jetlife #setlife pic.twitter.com/8n4jE6zQA3
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) July 12, 2016
Great season planned for you guys!! #CMBB https://t.co/6AhrhuMIXE
— Erica Messer (@ecmess) July 12, 2016
Season 2 swag! Here we go! #CMBB pic.twitter.com/VBvnkxtyIe
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) July 13, 2016
@danielhenney @CriminalMindsBB And you did some tackling yesterday, literally. Great job taking down that bad guy !! Proud of you
— Bobby Chacon (@BobbyChaconFBI) July 13, 2016
"Indigenous critters" on set—spiders, snakes, scorpions. Is our cast/crew scared? No. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE AWESOME! pic.twitter.com/225cH6xUxS
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) July 14, 2016
Hanging out on the #CMBB #IRT jet today at #CBS. #Simmons motorcycle in background. @danielhenney pic.twitter.com/n4eiHNXnPQ
— Declan Whaley (@DeclanWhaley) July 15, 2016
Look what we got! #AndSoItBegins #CMBB #Season2 pic.twitter.com/Fd0XsKQ5Ez
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) July 15, 2016
Big hats. And a little Dolly action! Our idea of a perfect Friday. #setlife #cmbb pic.twitter.com/Y03r4AamK8
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) July 16, 2016
Week one done already! Can't believe it! #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB https://t.co/TJSmlaKsxl
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) July 16, 2016
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