Check Out ‘Criminal Minds’ Finale & ‘CM:BB’ Ratings, Links & Promo
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"The Storm" and "The Matchmaker"
Criminal Minds and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders aired new episodes on Wednesday night, including the season eleven finale of Criminal Minds. You can find ratings, links to watch the episodes, and a Beyond Borders promo below—plus 145 tweets and photos!
Criminal Minds offered the final episode of season eleven at 9:00pm ET/PT. “The Storm” pulled in 8.83 million viewers and a 1.8 rating/6 share in the key 18-49 demographic prized by advertisers (raised to 8.84 million when the final ratings were counted, with no change in the demo). If you missed the finale, or would like to watch it again, you can find it on, XFinity TV or CTV.
CBS has not yet announced whether or not Criminal Minds will return for a twelfth season in the fall. (Edit: Criminal Minds has been renewed for season 12.)
Executive Producer Erica Messer spoke to TV Guide about the finale, including this quote:
I kind of saw the multiple bomb threats coming, but not the serial killer twist, which could give you some fertile ground to work with. When did you first conceive of the idea to have unsubs escape?
Erica Messer: We had such a good time with Tara Lewis this year and the idea that she gets to do something that we don’t get to show very often … interviewing the killers after we’ve caught them. So when we met Ennis with her back in Episode 5, we loved that guy so much and we loved that world she gets lost in — [she] even lost her relationship over that kind of thing. We were thinking, is there another way to sort of explore that? Given all the Shemar real estate this year, it wouldn’t have done it justice if we had squeezed it into this year, given everything else we had to do. We thought, if we end the season with this prison break, wouldn’t it be cool for the team to have a victory — but since the team couldn’t be everywhere at once, we learn this happened elsewhere? So it really got conceived as we were breaking the finale more than anything. It was just of interest to us all year, this idea of prison. But we didn’t conceive of the Season 12 tease of it until we were in the room breaking the finale.
Here’s a set of photos from the season eleven wrap party, including former cast members Shemar Moore (Derek Morgan) and Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss):
@shemarmoore setting the bar, as usual, by lifting @CarolineLMaurer up on his shoulder for wrap party pix. Swoon!
— Molly McNaughton (@MollyMcNaughton) March 20, 2016
Oh, not to mention @CarolineLMaurer and @GUBLERNATION!
— Molly McNaughton (@MollyMcNaughton) March 20, 2016
Wrap party this eve, these pictures sum it up nicely methinks @bijerogers
— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) March 20, 2016
Oh and this one too @thedeweypoint @nathanandy
— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) March 20, 2016
And these Nerds I love so completely also @ajcookofficial @GUBLERNATION
— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) March 20, 2016
Congratulations on wrapping Season 11 #CriminalMinds !!! @Vangsness @shemarmoore
— paget brewster (@pagetpaget) March 20, 2016
No, @Vangsness and I don't ALWAYS lick on @shemarmoore … But you know you would if you could, too!
— paget brewster (@pagetpaget) March 20, 2016
The wrap party via @rallywithripple
— Joe Mantegna (@JoeMantegna) March 22, 2016
Finally, check out these tweets and photos relating to the finale:
Criminal Minds – Just wrapped season 11 finale. Had the best time working w/ this guy, Thomas Gibson @CrimMinds_CBS
— James Shanklin (@jamesshanklin17) March 19, 2016
Portraying bad-ass SWAT team member Captain Gordon in a guest role in season finale of @CrimMinds_CBS
— Matt Battaglia (@mattbattaglia) March 21, 2016
Thanks to @Spotify #IndieMixtape & @CrimMinds_CBS for featuring my new song #ForKeeps tomorrow night! Links in bio!
— LILY (@Lily_Kershaw) May 4, 2016
#MrScratch is watching you tonight on the season finale of @CrimMinds_CBS #CriminalMinds #Hotch
— Bodhi Elfman (@bodhielfman) May 4, 2016
The Most Memorable Moments Of #CriminalMinds: Season 11 –
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 4, 2016
One more hour until our exciting SeasonXI finale East Coast! #CriminalMinds #SeasonXI #TuneIn #TONIGHT
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) May 5, 2016
The Storm Breaks Tonight. #CriminalMinds @GUBLERNATION @ajcookofficial @JoeMantegna @aishatyler @Vangsness
— Charles Dewey (@thedailydewey) May 5, 2016
You're on East Coast! Finale time! #CriminalMinds #SeasonXI #TuneIn #TONIGHT
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) May 5, 2016
#CriminalMinds fans: Looks like we need a ship name for Hayden and Rossi… @thesherylralph @joemantegna
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
These Henry moments will melt your heart with cuteness #CriminalMinds @gublernation
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
#CriminalMinds' Breen Frazier got the idea 2 use swatting n the ep after reading abt a serial swatter who repeatedly targeted celebrities
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
The UnSub pulled footage from press conferences n #CriminalMinds' "Brothers n Arms," "Hanley Waters," & "Big Sea"
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
J.J. is so bad @$$… #CriminalMinds @ajcookofficial
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
See how 2nite’s #CriminalMinds exploits your worst fears
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Remember the last time we saw Peter Lewis? #CriminalMinds #MrScratch @bodhielfman
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Hotch always keeps it ? #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Super exciting finale of season time! No spoilers exempt that @bijerogers put PG in @dolcegabbana for the last scene
— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) May 5, 2016
#CriminalMinds' #BreenFrazier came up w/the idea of a char w/Autism Spectrum Disorder while researching the subj of counterfeit deviance
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Behind the scenes of "The Storm" written by @ecmess and Breen Frazier and Directed by Glenn Kershaw #CriminalMinds
— Charles Dewey (@thedailydewey) May 5, 2016
Asher's form of self-harm was used 2show his way of dealing w/his condition &2 show he was hurt by the UnSub's deception #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
My honest but really Pollyanna answer is each one of those nerds is super funny in a different way each:)
— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) May 5, 2016
SWAT officers Kershaw and Bring were named after #CriminalMinds' Director Glenn Kershaw and EP @LLPOS
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Tara interviewed Leonard Ennis in an effort 2take profiling 2the next level #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Need 2watch #CriminalMinds in less terrifying doses? Watch ur fav show on ur time w/CBS app
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Don’t you know where you are? –Ennis
This is the serial killer wing –Tara #CriminalMinds @aishatyler ?— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Oh sh*t. Glad Dr. Lewis brought her gun. ?
— Aisha Tyler (@aishatyler) May 5, 2016
What moments this season had you like ? ? #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
The Ivory Tower is a loose reference to the Song of Solomon, a book in the Old Testament & not a real-life safe house #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
RT if 2nite’s #CriminalMinds blew your mind like…
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
"I held back the monsters for a reason." – Eric Rawdon #CriminalMinds #CriminalMindsFinale
— Charles Dewey (@thedailydewey) May 5, 2016
BAU = #FamilyGoals #CriminalMinds @joemantegna
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Tara (in French) said: I heard u were the British diplomat in Paris. We have 2 talk neighborhoods #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Are you like Tara? Discover your inner crime fighter now #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Introducing Spencer Reid: Crime fighter…and magician #CriminalMinds @gublernation
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
RT if the BAU = your #SquadGoals #CriminalMinds
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Scenes from the Ivory Tower #CriminalMinds #CriminalMindsFinale
— Charles Dewey (@thedailydewey) May 5, 2016
Thank you #breenfrazier and everyone crimmindscbs for a wonderful episodes with you all! Xoxo…
— sheryl lee ralph (@thesherylralph) May 5, 2016
BTS of "The Storm" #CriminalMinds @GUBLERNATION @ajcookofficial @JoeMantegna @Vangsness @aishatyler @thesherylralph
— Charles Dewey (@thedailydewey) May 5, 2016
One more hour West Coast! Don't miss this finale! #CriminalMinds #SeasonXI #TuneIn #TONIGHT
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) May 5, 2016
It's time to experience the final episode of Season XI West Coast!!! #CriminalMinds #SeasonXI #TuneIn #TONIGHT
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) May 5, 2016
#MrScratch is baaaack!
— Bodhi Elfman (@bodhielfman) May 5, 2016
That's a wrap!! Can't think of a better way to end an incredible, exciting season of #Criminal Minds Stay tune for more #CMBB, NEXT week!
— Erica Messer (@ecmess) May 5, 2016
CM Finale done. Now the short wait for a S12 pickup. ??. I can now start enjoying my break.
— Harry Bring (@LLPOS) May 5, 2016
7 Things You Didn't Know About The #CriminalMinds Season Finale:
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) May 5, 2016
Following at 10:00pm ET/PT, Beyond Borders aired the ninth episode of season one. “The Matchmaker” was watched by 6.81 million viewers, earning a 1.2/4 in the key demo (raised to 6.82 when the final ratings were tallied, with no change in the demo). You can watch or re-watch the episode on, XFinity TV or CTV.
Beyond Borders has back-to-back episodes on the schedule next Wednesday from 9:00-11:00pm ET/PT. Here’s the promo for the first episode, “Iqiniso” (from SpoilerTV):
Finally, check out these tweets and photos:
With my fake wife @mandyjuneturpin today
— Scott Christopher (@LevityEffect) October 15, 2015
What a great experience working on @CriminalMindsBB @GarySinise ! Wonderful cast & crew! @LevityEffect best fake husband ever! #actorslife
— Mandy June Turpin (@mandyjuneturpin) October 16, 2015
Our fun little fake family…@CriminalMindsBB @julietteangelo @LevityEffect @CBS #actorslife #grateful #makebelieve
— Mandy June Turpin (@mandyjuneturpin) October 16, 2015
The IRT is ready!!! Turkey, here we come!! #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB @CTV_Television @danielhenney @Alana_DeLaGarza
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) May 5, 2016
Enjoy East coast! Side note: I sprained my knee jumping over a staircase, and fighting a large man in this ep….Soooo…ok then! #CMBB
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) May 5, 2016
Istanbul is one of the most desired cities in the world 4its diversity, being both European &Middle Eastern –#CMBB Writer @timclemente
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Emir Bayar's name is a combination of common Turkish names #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Clara is a romantic… #CMBB @alana_delagarza
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
More than 800 women were killed within the past five years in Turkey as a result of domestic violence #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Turkish men campaigned against domestic violence in 2015. See photos w/ @CBSNews
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Don’t miss out on the #CMBB phenomenon. Catch up now w/ #CBSAllAccess
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
See behind the scenes of 2nite’s #CMBB @tylerjameswill
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
.@TylerJamesWill cracks into Emma Peters’ computer in this behind the scenes pic #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
RT if you <3 @Monty_IRT #CMBB @tylerjameswill
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Take a closer look at 2nite’s set #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Kids these days. In my day, disobeying your parents was borrowing the car and missing curfew. Not transatlantic tinder hookups! #CMBB
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
@danielhenney does his own stunts. Even when they involve #cottagecheese. Oh wait, that was another episode. #CMBB
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
That's right. But I think he tweaked his knee here… or was that chasing you down after the #cottagecheese? #CMBB
— Christopher Barbour (@ChrisBarbour101) May 5, 2016
@danielhenney you better WERK! I had your back though ? #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) May 5, 2016
See Betsy Ross like never before. Go inside the making of the #IRT’s favorite flyer #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
If you ever feared your daughter leaving the house, turn your TV off now. Thanks, @timclemente my daughter is on lockdown #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
We value that which is rare in the world. Gold. Diamonds. But the rarest of all is love. True love –Marion #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Right now, you’re living in two separate worlds. You can’t continue to live both lives –Marion #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Julie's class load includes a survey of asian lit, history of South America, astronomy, & golf #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
Much gratitude to @inventedluck and @ChrisBarbour101 for their contributions to tonight's episode of @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
.@JFitzJourney, retired BAU &consultant on #CriminalMinds is the father of Forensic Linguistics He created the techniques in 2nites #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
@ChrisBarbour101 But I did do a rewrite of this script while I was in Istanbul. That's a true story. @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
Are you the resident bad @$$ of your group of friends? Find out #CMBB @danielhenney
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
@CriminalMindsBB @danielhenney Hey Simmons, where'd you learn that move ? (remember how hot it was that day ?)
— Bobby Chacon (@BobbyChaconFBI) May 5, 2016
@e4meredith the operable word is "tried." As the father of 6 daughters (true) I am still trying. @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
@ChrisBarbour101 the term is Special Agent, not "secret" though I did have a Top Secret clearance. Does that count? @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
U see no irony in ur work supporting the follies of an empire of lies, masquerading as the arbiter of peace #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
FBI &Dept of Homeland Sec sent alert 2local &state law enforcement warning of ISIS’ efforts 2recruit teens #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
@GarySinise @Alana_DeLaGarza and guest cast members on #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
@danielhenney with nemesis, doubles, and stunt coordinator Greg preparing for a fight scene #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
You traveled all this way for love. Don’t let the hate they filled you with take hold –Jack #CMBB @garysinise
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
#IRT = #FamilyGoals #CMBB @garysinise
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016
… and they lived therapy ever after. #CMBB
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
Thanks #eastcoast #CMBB fans and @timclemente for playing. See u next week when we got to #SouthAfrica script by the dapper @ChrisBarbour101
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
#CMBB double-feature next week! #SouthAfrica at nine and #Cuba at ten! Come, travel the world with #Jack and stop the bad guys (and gals)!
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
Next week, once again, we get a double-shot of #CMBB #CriminalMindsBB. We go to South Africa and Cuba (penned or typed by @brkdwninla)!
— Christopher Barbour (@ChrisBarbour101) May 5, 2016
U r as good as the people around u. Great cast, writers, crew an supporting staff on #CMBB Thank u all 4 your hard work accept @ianwoolfupm
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
Great episode @timclemente! And I'm not just saying that because a taupe van pulled up outside. #CMBB #CriminalMindsBB
— Christopher Barbour (@ChrisBarbour101) May 5, 2016
Well done, @timclemente. Thanks for the journey. I fear for the children. #CMBB
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
Some of my pictures from #Istanbul, which is the setting for my @CriminalMindsBB episode tonight. #CMBB #bluemosque
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
The real #Istanbul @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
Great episode @timclemente ???????? #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Ticona S. Joy (@TJoy38008) May 5, 2016
#Istanbul @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
The real #Istanbul#bluemosque #hagiasophia #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
@inventedluck @ChrisBarbour101 can't we just all get along? #imalovernotafighter #cmbb
— Daniele Nathanson (@brkdwninla) May 5, 2016
Am I included into your cool Monty group? #CMBB
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) May 5, 2016
As long as I can ride that motorcycle one day….your welcome to join #cmbb @CriminalMindsBB
— Tyler James Williams (@TylerJamesWill) May 5, 2016
Woah.. Easy now…start w a steps. #CMBB
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) May 5, 2016
Thx @Alana_DeLaGarza, but I can't take the credit. @ecmess @AdamGlass44 @inventedluck @ChrisBarbour101 @e4meredith @brkdwninla @TJoy38008
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
Thx @AdamGlass44 @Alana_DeLaGarza @ecmess @inventedluck @ChrisBarbour101 @e4meredith @brkdwninla @TJoy38008 very much a team effort #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
Monty's a master at snooping & cracking codes. Good work ? #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Ticona S. Joy (@TJoy38008) May 5, 2016
@e4meredith hey I know someone you could ask!?
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) May 5, 2016
@TJoy38008 @CriminalMindsBB Two kids whose families won’t let them be together… there @timclemente goes, plagiarizing Shakespeare again.
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
Time for the dynamic duo @theanniefunke and @danielhenney! #CMBB
— e4 (@e4meredith) May 5, 2016
I'm adding those headphones to my Christmas list! #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Ticona S. Joy (@TJoy38008) May 5, 2016
@timclemente brought in an actual pair of these for us to check out. They were pretty cool. @danielhenney will tell you. #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
My title credit on @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB
— Tim Clemente (@timclemente) May 5, 2016
Fun fact: Emma was kidnapped down the block from Corleone Junior High. Check the big building in the back. #whenshowscollide #cmbb #ehc
— Tyler James Williams (@TylerJamesWill) May 5, 2016
I know this is hard to believe but in real life @TylerJamesWill is even a sharper dresser than Monty. #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
#sonyawalger is way too intimidating. If I can’t handle that steely stare, there’s no way Emma could. #CMBB
— e4 (@e4meredith) May 5, 2016
@Alana_DeLaGarza slays this scene. We're lucky to have her on #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
Love my team! #CMBB #IRTLove
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) May 5, 2016
@e4meredith @CriminalMindsBB and far too common…
— Bobby Chacon (@BobbyChaconFBI) May 5, 2016
Yeah, thanks @timclemente my daughter is never leaving the house again. And I'm putting a low jack in her leg. #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
@TylerJamesWill: “Let’s go home.” #CMBB
— Matthew Lau (@inventedluck) May 5, 2016
My favorite part of every episode #cmbb
— Tyler James Williams (@TylerJamesWill) May 5, 2016
“Family is a powerful thing” Love that. Great work @timclemente And the @CriminalMindsBB team. #CMBB
— e4 (@e4meredith) May 5, 2016
Great episode guys! @timclemente @AdamGlass44 @ecmess @e4meredith @ChrisBarbour101 @TJoy38008 #CMBB
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) May 5, 2016
Thanks for coming out and playing #westcoast Tune in next week to a double header of #CMBB brought to you by @ChrisBarbour101 @brkdwninla
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) May 5, 2016
Thanks for tweeting with us! @CriminalMindsBB #CMBB #SeeUNextWeek
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) May 5, 2016
Next week, it’s getting weird. @ChrisBarbour101 tells us about his summer vacay to #SouthAfrica & @brkdwninla takes us to #Cuba
— e4 (@e4meredith) May 5, 2016
Thanks for watching everyone..see u next week on South Africa! #CMBB
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) May 5, 2016
Kudos again to our marvelous cast! @GarySinise @Alana_DeLaGarza @danielhenney @theanniefunke @TylerJamesWill #CMBB #CriminalMindsBB
— Christopher Barbour (@ChrisBarbour101) May 5, 2016
Thanks for watching with us! See you next week! #cmbb @CriminalMindsBB
— Tyler James Williams (@TylerJamesWill) May 5, 2016
@timclemente Loved your episode tonight! Pretty cool seeing your name flash on the screen! ? #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— SoCal Sherri (@CreativeInLA) May 5, 2016
@Alana_DeLaGarza @CriminalMindsBB Thanks honored 2 have your incredible talents portray us to the world. Privileged to play my small part
— Bobby Chacon (@BobbyChaconFBI) May 5, 2016
7 Things You Didn't Know About Last Night's #CMBB:
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) May 5, 2016