Take A Look At Tonight’s ‘Criminal Minds’ & ‘CM:BB’
5 min read
"Devil's Backbone" and "Citizens of the World" sneak peeks
Criminal Minds and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders have new episodes on the schedule tonight from 9:00-11:00pm ET/PT. You can find sneak peeks, quotes, tweets and photos below!
Here’s the first clip from the Criminal Minds episode “Devil’s Backbone”, featuring Penelope Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness), David Rossi (Joe Mantegna), Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson), Dr Tara Lewis (Aisha Tyler), Dr Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) and JJ Jareau (AJ Cook):
And here’s another sneak peek, which features JJ and guest star Frances Fisher (Antonia Slade). (It’s also available on CBS.com, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
TV Line also posted an exclusive clip from “Devil’s Backbone”, featuring Hotch and Antonia Slade. You can watch the scene here.
This scene is from TV Guide, and it features Reid and Antonia Slade:
Executive Producer Erica Messer told TV Line that Fisher is playing convicted serial killer Antonia Slade, “a crazy UnSub who was put away by [Mandy Patinkin’s] Jason Gideon 15 years ago.” Messer had this to say about the actress:
She’s amazing. We’ve been wanting to work with Frances Fisher for years and it never worked out, and we’re so glad it didn’t, because she was made to be this UnSub for us.
Messer also spoke to TV Guide about Fisher’s guest appearance, specifically Antonia’s affect on Reid:
She’s the kind of unsub you want to bring back again and again. She reads people really well and her scenes with Dr. Reid are really pretty fascinating. She is right on point in her reading of him and he gets thrown off.
Finally, here is the First Look link, followed by tweets and photos:
First Look: The BAU Seeks A Serial Killer's Help On Wednesday's #CriminalMinds – https://t.co/q46t1dKbrB pic.twitter.com/LgEVvA4D6s
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) April 18, 2016
“@jakew1967: @CrimMindsHub @Frances_Fisher @JoeMantegna @GUBLERNATION oh boy how bad is frances meaning (mean)” so bad
— Frances Fisher I❤️99 (@Frances_Fisher) April 18, 2016
#DevilsBackbone airs tonight. Don't miss it!! https://t.co/F3SWWIMZXu
— Sharon Lee Watson (@sleewatson) April 20, 2016
Here's a little script tease from tonight's all-new episode! #CriminalMinds #SeasonXI #tunein #tonight pic.twitter.com/fUQiO7sO7h
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) April 20, 2016
It's CM-Wednesday's! All new @CrimMinds_CBS by @sleewatson & @CriminalMindsBB by @inventedluck tune in tonight on CBS! #CriminalMinds #CMBB
— Erica Messer (@ecmess) April 20, 2016
And! @Frances_Fisher will be on Cat Magnets tonight. Seen here with me and the @99SeatsLA hit @KMDthefilm I ❤️her pic.twitter.com/p8VqQYCGRH
— Kirsten Vangsness (@Vangsness) April 20, 2016
“@FranRN: @ajcookofficial @CrimMinds_CBS @CBS @Frances_Fisher Frances the makeup is good Even your mother wouldn't know you.” no makeup!!!
— Frances Fisher I❤️99 (@Frances_Fisher) April 20, 2016
Here’s the first sneak peek from the Beyond Borders episode “Citizens of the World”, featuring Jack Garrett (Gary Sinise), Russ “Monty” Montgomery (Tyler James Williams), Clara Seger (Alana De La Garza), Matt Simmons (Daniel Henney) and Mae Jarvis (Annie Funke). (You can also watch it on CBS.com, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
Scene number two features Matt, Clara, Mae, Jack and Monty. (It can also be found on CBS.com, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
And here’s another clip, which features Matt, Mae, Jack and Clara:
TV Guide shared this sneak peek, featuring Clara, Mae, Matt, Jack and guest star Michael Benyaer (Salah Sabila):
Finally, check out the First Look link below, followed by tweets and photos:
First Look: Retirees Get Kidnapped In Morocco On Wednesday's #CMBB – https://t.co/TnurrPKlR8 pic.twitter.com/TjpmifeaHR
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) April 18, 2016
Wahoo! Citizens of the World is up next! #CMBB https://t.co/WhYR3k8ckN
— Olivia Briggs (@obriggs) April 16, 2016
?✔️????✔️?✔️ #CMBB ✔️out my first episode Wednesday! pic.twitter.com/kcHwOTjjFs
— Kelly Frye (@KellyFrye) April 18, 2016
Big episode for Simmons this Wednesday…can't wait for you guys to meet the family!! #CMBB #CriminalMinds #criminalmindsbeyondborders
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) April 18, 2016
My TV Grandkids…..YES!!!! How sweet is this????#CMBB #criminalmindsbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/TEZJ5aBfoD
— Phil & Chris Henney (@philandchris) April 18, 2016
Excited to go to Morocco tomorrow night with the gang! @CriminalMindsBB @CTV_Television #CMBB @CBS pic.twitter.com/KoSe9FeZ1H
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) April 19, 2016
Get ready! ✈ Tomorrow the #IRT goes to Morocco on #CMBB. Written by @inventedluck ??? @CriminalMindsBB
— Ticona S. Joy (@TJoy38008) April 20, 2016
Here's a script tease from tonight's all new @CriminalMindsBB brought to you by @inventedluck Don't miss it! #CMBB pic.twitter.com/dVICfSxgZL
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) April 20, 2016
Tonight's all new @CriminalMindsBB has a camel in it! Seriously though, it's a nail-biter by @inventedluck you won't want to miss it!#CMBB
— Sullivan Fitzgerald (@sullyfitzgerald) April 20, 2016
It's CM-Wednesday's! All new @CrimMinds_CBS by @sleewatson & @CriminalMindsBB by @inventedluck tune in tonight on CBS! #CriminalMinds #CMBB
— Erica Messer (@ecmess) April 20, 2016
Join us in Casablanca TONIGHT! #CMBB https://t.co/qpdjKvg9LY
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) April 20, 2016
#CMBB #canada check us out in Casablanca tonight!! @CTV_Television pic.twitter.com/pRNhikAKmQ
— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) April 20, 2016
@e4meredith @CriminalMindsBB @TJoy38008 @ecmess I am excited! Written by the talented @inventedluck
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) April 20, 2016
@e4meredith @CriminalMindsBB @TJoy38008 @ecmess wait? Someone shoots a camel? A lot must've changed in the final cut. #CMBB
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) April 20, 2016
.@inventedluck Guess who’s getting Moroccan food to celebrate tonight?! ? https://t.co/g3yXgSTwGR
— e4 (@e4meredith) April 20, 2016
So if you haven't gotten the message go check me out in #ReplaySeries on the go90 app AND watch #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB tonight at 10p ?
— Tyler James Williams (@TylerJamesWill) April 20, 2016
I knew the camels would recur this season. Tonight's episode penned by @inventedluck! Well, not penned… typed. https://t.co/PYuvZeWNep
— Christopher Barbour (@ChrisBarbour101) April 20, 2016
@adamglass44 @chrisbarbour101 @criminalmindsbb @tjoy38008 @ecmess No camels were hurt in the making of this episode. I think. @ianwoolfupm?
— e4 (@e4meredith) April 21, 2016
@ChrisBarbour101 @e4meredith @CriminalMindsBB @ecmess Now u think of it, Chris! That would've been ah-mazing!!! LOL
— Ticona S. Joy (@TJoy38008) April 21, 2016
Related: Check Out More ‘Beyond Borders’ Tweets & Set Pics