Watch Clips From Tonight’s ‘Criminal Minds’ & ‘CM:BB’
8 min read
"Tribute" and "Denial" sneak peeks
Criminal Minds and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders have new episodes on the schedule tonight from 9:00-11:00pm ET/PT. You can find sneak peeks, interviews, tweets and photos below!
Here’s a clip from the Criminal Minds episode “Tribute”, featuring Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson), Penelope Garcia (Kirsten Vangsness), Dr Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler), JJ Jareau (AJ Cook) and David Rossi (Joe Mantegna). (From SpoilerTV, you can also find it on CBS Press Express.)
CBS posted an exclusive clip on the official website, which you can watch here. It features Rossi, returning guest star Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster) and JJ.
Check out this sneak peek from TV Guide, featuring Reid, JJ, Rossi, Hotch and Prentiss:
TV Line also has an exclusive sneak peek, which you can watch here. It includes JJ, Prentiss and Dr Tara Lewis (Aisha Tyler).
CBS shared this behind-the-scenes video, which features Brewster, Cook, Mantegna and Vangsness. (It’s also available on and CBS Press Express.)
Executive Producer Erica Messer spoke to TV Guide about Brewster’s return, and here’s an excerpt relating to the departure of Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore) in last week’s episode:
Having Paget back is always fun — she’s the best — but having her back for [Episode] 19 was particularly special because Prentiss knows what it’s like from both sides of [watching] someone leaving the team and walking away herself. Everyone misses Morgan and she helps them cope. She has that perspective. And at the same time, it’s a happy reunion with her — with us. We’re all thrilled whenever she can come back.
Messer also spoke to TV Line about Prentiss working with the BAU, and here’s a quote about the case:
She has been dealing with a copycat killer that she came really close to catching in London, where he was copying Jack the Ripper. She was kind of having nightmares about this guy and the fact that he eluded her, so she has been on high alert to see where he pops up next, because he has a very clear killing pattern.
“It’s a very imaginative episode,” Vangsness told Wetpaint. “Things that happen on our show sometimes are happening because it’s a dream — I love when Criminal Minds does that.”
Here’s a collection of videos relating to tonight’s episode, which were shared on social media:
Get excited #CriminalMinds fans! Paget Brewster returns on tomorrow's all-new episode. @PagetPaget
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) March 29, 2016
Finally, check out the First Look link below, followed by tweets and photos:
First Look: Agent Emily Prentiss Returns On Wednesday's #CriminalMinds –
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) March 28, 2016
Now I can say it: shooting #CriminalMinds without @shemarmoore was sad and strange. But Sugartits loves Chocolate Thunder forever.
— paget brewster (@pagetpaget) March 24, 2016
These goofballs… I'm so glad I got to see it in person again. Watch #CriminalMinds this Wednesday ! DO IT !!
— paget brewster (@pagetpaget) March 29, 2016
This is why Erica Messer and #CriminalMinds are so great. I'm lucky to have these friends and fan buddies
— paget brewster (@pagetpaget) March 29, 2016
paget paget paget paget @pagetpaget yay
— Aisha Tyler (@aishatyler) March 29, 2016
@RGMaslar I AM #costarring in tomorrow night's #CriminalMinds episode. Hope you catch it! XOXO #IAm #Yes #Gratitude
Check this out. I'm so excited / scared about tomorrow night. I hope you like the episode. I've missed ALL OF YOU !!
— paget brewster (@pagetpaget) March 30, 2016
Here's Where We Left Off With Emily Prentiss On #CriminalMinds –
— Criminal Minds (@CrimMinds_CBS) March 30, 2016
I script tease for tonight's all-new episode! #CriminalMinds #SeasonXI #tunein #tonight
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) March 30, 2016
New Video Out Now! #NothingLeftToLose Tune in to #CriminalMinds Tonight at 9/8c on CBS to hear this song! #7DS
— R-MEAN (@rmean) March 30, 2016
1st day of hiatus and the Queen is back on Criminal Minds tonight . Best day ever!
— Krish Ribeiro (@K_T_Rib) March 30, 2016
Check out the first sneak peek from the CM: BB episode “Denial” below, featuring Clara Seger (Alana De La Garza) and Mae Jarvis (Annie Funke). (You can also find it on, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
Clip number two features Jack Garrett (Gary Sinise) and Russ “Monty” Montgomery (Tyler James Williams). (It’s also available on, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
TV Line posted a scene from “Denial”, which features Monty as well as Criminal Minds’ Garcia, which you can watch here.
Also check out this sneak peek from TV Guide, featuring Matt Simmons (Daniel Henney), Jack, Clara, Mae and Monty:
Finally, here’s the First Look link, followed by tweets and photos:
First Look: Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Heads To Egypt – #CMBB
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) March 28, 2016
— e4 (@e4meredith) March 28, 2016
Check out this cool Ted Talk about ? and get ready to go to Egypt with @CriminalMindsBB team. #cmbb @AdamGlass44
— e4 (@e4meredith) March 29, 2016
Please check out my @CriminalMindsBB ep on CBS at 10 mañana. Very fortunate to have @Vangsness guest sta. #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 29, 2016
It's gonna get real tomorrow!! I levitate apparently! ? Make sure you don't miss it!! #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) March 29, 2016
It's #TravelTuesday and the team is heading to Egypt. Don't miss an all-new #CMBB tomorrow @ 10/9c.
— Beyond Borders (@CriminalMindsBB) March 29, 2016
Gonna live-tweet tmrrw's all new @CriminalMindsBB with writers @ChrisBarbour101 and @TJoy38008. Use the #cmbb tag to ask Qs. @CTV_Television
— e4 (@e4meredith) March 30, 2016
Come party w/ us tomorrow night 10pm EST #CBS @theanniefunke #CMBB #ChristmasPartyMemory
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) March 30, 2016
Found this great Egyptian location in guess where? @CriminalMindsBB @StuartBlatt @ianwoolfupm you cannot play.
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
I was very fortunate to write for these two stars. Mad love to @CriminalMindsBB writer's staff on this one. #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
Tonight I'm on Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders on CBS at 10pm. Watch it. Please and thank you. @CriminalMindsBB
— Aline Elasmar (@alineelasmar) March 30, 2016
About 2 board a plane 4 vaca so please don't 4get 2 watch my @CriminalMindsBB ep 2nite. Come see my monster. #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
-"too much sun?"
-"nah..chemical attack in Egypt"
-"ah..that was my 2nd guess"#CMBB #criminalmindsbeyondborders— Daniel Henney (@danielhenney) March 30, 2016
Lucy the Camel is pretty excited about the new episode tonight, and the live tweet session! Don't miss it! #CMBB
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) March 30, 2016
Catch me tonight on @CriminalMindsBB at 10. Written by @AdamGlass44 casting by @ScottDavidCast #gratitude
— Sam Adegoke (@SamOAdegoke) March 30, 2016
@NSUnews @CBSTweet Hump day!! A perfect day for our Egypt episode! ?
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) March 30, 2016
@SamOAdegoke slays it tonight on @CriminalMindsBeyondBorders
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
It's almost time!……#CMBB #10PM EST
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) March 30, 2016
A big shout out to @alineelasmar for her amazing performance in 2nites @CriminalMindsBB episode called "Denial." She'll make u cry. #SPN
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
Checkout a script tease from tonight's episode brought to you by @AdamGlass44 #CMBB @CriminalMindsBB
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) March 30, 2016
Excited for tonight's all new @CriminalMindsBB and to live-tweet with @e4meredith and @TJoy38008!
— Christopher Barbour (@ChrisBarbour101) March 30, 2016
@AdamGlass44 @SteveMartinToGo @CriminalMindsBB coming to you live from the great state of Oklahoma with my family and a bottle of Rosé! ???
— Annie Funke (@theanniefunke) March 30, 2016
I'm going to throw down the gauntlet and say tonights #UnSub on @CriminalMindsBB is the scariest one we've have yet?
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
@mickyblythe @CriminalMindsBB everyone please give some love for our very talented editor of tonights episode, #MICKY BLYTHE!
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
@alineelasmar @CriminalMindsBB You deserve it. Such a talented actress. You and @SamOAdegoke made this such a good episode. Thanks.
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
@thisisspiffy @CriminalMindsBB Yes we do, Stan! And thank you for such great notes on this episode. Mad luv to #CBSCURRENT
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) March 30, 2016
So Im live tweeting tonight for #cmbb & it might get weird. Good weird like nite breakfast not bad weird like getting kidnapped in Egypt.
— Tyler James Williams (@TylerJamesWill) March 31, 2016