Watch Clips From Tonight’s ‘NCIS’ & ‘NCIS:NOLA’ Crossover
5 min read
NCIS & NCIS: NOLA crossover
As CSI Files previously reported, NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans return from the winter hiatus with a two-hour crossover tonight. Here’s the first sneak peek from the NCIS portion of the crossover, “Sister City: Part One”, featuring Dwayne Pride (Scott Bakula), Leon Vance (Rocky Carroll), Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon), Abby Sciuto (Pauley Perrette), Ellie Bishop (Emily Wickersham), Tony DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly), Timothy McGee (Sean Murray) and guest star Wendy Davis (Navy Captain Kensington Bloom). (You can also find it on, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
Scene number two features Abby and Gibbs. (It’s also available on, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
Next, check out the first clip from the NCIS: NOLA half of the crossover, “Sister City: Part Two”, featuring Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) and Dr Donald “Ducky” Mallard (David McCallum). (You can also watch it on, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
And here’s sneak peek number two, which features Christopher LaSalle (Lucas Black) and Bishop. (It can also be found on, CBS Press Express and SpoilerTV.)
TV Guide shared a scene from the crossover as well, featuring Abby and Sebastian Lund (Rob Kerkovich):
CBS also posted a behind-the-scenes video for the crossover, which you can watch below. It features Kerkovich, Wickersham, Weatherly, Perrette and guest star Tyler Ritter (Luca Sciuto). (You can also find it on and CBS Press Express.)
Perrette visited the ladies of The Talk today. You can watch the full episode here (skip to 30:30 for the interview, including a clip from “Sister City: Part One”), or watch a clip below:
Kerkovich spoke to TV Guide about his character working with his NCIS counterpart. Here’s the quote:
People are going to get a deeper look into Abby, especially in how she relates to some family members. I think fans are going to be delighted to see this other side of her get fleshed out more. [Pauley] and I got along great. I think there was sort of a kinship in the fact that we both know we’re the characters who bring probably the most levity or quirk to a show like this. So I think there was some unspoken bonding in that regard. … But on top of that, her character’s also going through this emotional thing because her brother’s a focal point of the plot. So it wasn’t just your typical, ‘Oh, I found this microscopic trace on this thing.’ It was that, but on top of that it was having to try to comfort her about what was going on.
CBS posted an interview with Ritter about guest-starring on NCIS and NCIS: NOLA, including this question and answer:
What was it like working with Pauley Perrette, who plays Abby Scuito?
We have been friends now for two years and so we came to this job with an ease between us and we both knew how much fun this would be. As far as professionally, the first thing that Pauley did was tell me exactly what episodes Luca had been mentioned in or seen as a little boy. She helped with the research and building Luca’s character. There are few people that I would want to work with more than her. To play her little brother that she loves, and drives her crazy at times, was an honor.
Here are the First Look links, along with live chat information:
First Look: Abby's Faced With Her Most Personal Case Yet – #NCISxNOLA
— NCIS (@NCIS_CBS) December 30, 2015
First Look: Worlds Collide When The NCIS Team Comes To NOLA – #NCISxNOLA
— NCIS (@NCIS_CBS) January 3, 2016
Join #NCIS & #NCISNOLA casts 4a Winter Premiere Live Chat on Tue Jan 5 at 8pm ET #NCISXNOLA
— NCIS (@NCIS_CBS) January 5, 2016
Join #NCISxNOLA crossover convo w/@RobKerkovich & #NCIS' @PauleyP & @EmilyWickersham 2mrw!
— NCIS: New Orleans (@NCISNewOrleans) January 5, 2016
Finally, check out these tweets and photos shared by the cast and crew, followed by two videos:
@twilightreader3 I'm looking forward to it too! @ChrisWaild and @csilb did a great job with this story.
— Brian Dietzen (@BrianDietzen) January 2, 2016
In less than 48 hours THE new #NCIS episode I'm SO STOKED ABOUT airs! We meet Abby's brother Luca! @TylerRitter plays him!
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) January 4, 2016
Check out TMRW night's @NCIS.CBS crossover for a quick look at yours truly @ 8/7c on #CBS! #NCIS #NCISLA #NCISNOLA
— Jamie Gray Hyder (@JGHyder) January 4, 2016
Tomorrow! Tuesday! New #NCIS I can't WAIT for you to see! @TylerRitter plays Abby's brother Luca! I'll be on @TheTalkCBS also!
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) January 4, 2016
I couldn't have asked for a better partner in "crime" than @PauleyP for my first rodeo with #NCIS . Tomorrow 8 pm!!
— Tyler Ritter (@TylerRitter) January 5, 2016
Tonight's the night. #NCISxNOLA crossover! Very excited!
— christopher silber (@csilb) January 5, 2016
New #NCIS TONIGHT! Abby's biological brother Kyle is played by @Daniel_L_Rivas Tonight we meet adopted bro Luca, played by @TylerRitter
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) January 5, 2016
@OntheRock81 @ChrisWaild we broke the story as a team and checked in with each other through the whole process. It was a great experience.
— christopher silber (@csilb) January 5, 2016
I'm about to be on @TheTalkCBS very soon!
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) January 5, 2016
So I'm going to be on both @NCIS_CBS AND @NCISNewOrleans tonight. Crossover goodness awaits!
— Brian Dietzen (@BrianDietzen) January 5, 2016
Can not WAIT to live tweet tonight's #ncis x #ncisnola #crossover event (w/ my lil guy) ??? @cbs @NCISNewOrleans
— Shalita Grant (@ShalitaGrant) January 5, 2016
2 shots from tonight's episode @TylerRitter @EmilyWickersham @ShalitaGrant @zoe_mclellan @JDS_PR @NCISNewOrleans
— Scott Bakula (@ScottBakula) January 5, 2016
The adorable @PauleyP & @kevinfrazier catching up. Interview airs tonight on @entertainmenttonight #NCIS
— Katie Barker (@KBarkertweets) January 5, 2016
Not since Xmen vs Street Fighter has there been a more epic team-up than the #NCISxNOLA crossover event tonight! I'll be live tweeting!
— Rob Kerkovich (@RobKerkovich) January 5, 2016
.@TheLucasBlack brought me coffee, thanks man. Looking forward to tonight's crossover with @NCISNewOrleans
— Emily Wickersham (@EmilyWickersham) January 5, 2016
And here are the videos: