Petersen: Let ‘Em Sail Off Into The Sunset
2 min read
William Petersen
Earlier this month, William Petersen (Gil Grissom) did an interview with the AV Club, during which he discussed returning to the Las Vegas Crime Lab for the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation series finale, “Immortality”. Here’s a quote about Grissom’s life before the finale, and his relationship with Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox). (Contains spoilers for “Immortality”!)
But they had asked me, “What do you think Grissom’s been doing?” And I said, “Well, I think he’s in the ocean. I think he’s sick of dead bodies and bugs, and he wants to save fish.” So we put that together, and then they said, “Well, what are we going to do about you and Sara? The fans are desperate for you to deal with that.” So I said, “Well, just let ’em sail off into the sunset!” [Laughs.] I mean, if that’s what they want, why at this point would we care? Give ’em what they want! And I just thought it was sort of nice, in that we’d tried to stay away from that stuff all along. We even tried at the end to just keep it as simple as possible: off they go onto the boat. So I was good with it. I just hope that the fans, the people who watched it, were happy about it.
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