‘CSI:Cyber’ Delayed For ET/CT Viewers
2 min read
CSI: Cyber
Tonight’s new episode of CSI: Cyber, “Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes”, will be severely delayed for viewers in the Eastern and Central timezones:
Due 2 #NFL game, new start times 4 ET/CT time zones: #60Minutes 7:58ET/6:58CT #MadamSecretary 8:58ET #TheGoodWife 9:58 ET #CSICyber 10:58ET
— CBS Tweet (@CBSTweet) October 19, 2015
Here are two tweets reacting to the delay, followed by several more social media posts relating to tonight’s episode:
Yikes! Sorry East Coast! Hope you can stay up with us tonight!! #CSICyber https://t.co/bMqqZZqYm2
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 19, 2015
Not the best news, but definitely worth the wait. https://t.co/l28fl2bwtL
— Devon Greggory (@DevonGreggory) October 19, 2015
It's gonna be a great one!! Congrats!! #CSICyber https://t.co/8u97GJOkxo
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 18, 2015
Related: CBS Shares ‘CSI:Cyber’ Promo, Plus ‘The Takeaway’ & Tweets
Take A Peek At Tonight’s ‘CSI:Cyber’