Check Out ‘CSI:Cyber’ Premiere Ratings, Links & Promo
6 min read
The season two premiere of CSI: Cyber aired last night at 10:00pm ET/PT. “Why-Fi” pulled in 7.02 million viewers and a 1.0 rating/3 share in the key 18-49 demographic prized by advertisers. These numbers are up in viewers and down in the demo from the season one finale, but a 26-minute football delay in some areas will likely impact the final ratings. If you missed the episode, or would like to watch it again, you can find it on, XFinity TV or CTV (link not yet available). Here is the promo for next week’s episode, “Heart Me”:
Executive Producer Pam Veasey spoke to The Wrap about season two, including this quote:
We’ve learned there are a lot of children’s toys that are WiFi enabled that can be hacked. In hospitals, there are a lot of life-saving devices that are controlled by one central system that can be hacked. And the ability to hack into air traffic control and put signals into the sky that will make airplanes appear or disappear. And without a doubt we go into the marvelous world of dating apps.
Here are two videos from social media:
The #CBS Sunday night lineup is far from over. RT to help us welcome #CSI's #TedDanson to his new home on #CSICyber!
— CBS TV Studios (@CBSTVStudios) October 5, 2015
Finally, check out these tweets and photos from the cast and crew:
@KTWhyy we have some great, young tech advisors for all the new lingo the kids are using these days….
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
The #CSICyber cast and crew watched the season 2 premiere in CTOC on Friday! I was pretty awesome.
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
#CSICyber in CTOC! Very meta.
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
@docandjohn4ever thanks! we love having him! #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
He is definitely part of the family! We love Ted! #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
@CasperGemini amazing! He's an absolutely amazing man!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 5, 2015
The season 2 premiere ,"Why Fi," was written by our fearless showrunner Pam Veasey! #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
we have an amazing researcher who is constantly telling us about new and exciting gadgets! #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
I already know ima have to hear something about this shower scene tonight..oh boy
— Shad Moss(Bow Wow) (@smoss) October 5, 2015
@jackster_93 there are 9 of us all w/varying degrees of tech knowledge. our techier writers definitely influence the storylines #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
@TedDansonReal @vanderjames @smoss @HayleyKiyoko @charley_koontz So happy and grateful for my cast mates on @CSICyber U all R the bees knees
— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) October 5, 2015
Aw! Our fearless leader!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 5, 2015
These cyber cockroaches are a real thing. #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Accurate techno-babble to impress the dozen or so viewers who know the difference. #CSICyber #infosec
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
@vanderjames @smoss But, as Nelson would say, you look "on fleek" in a suit and tie! #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Who else is loving @PattyArquette's new haircut this season? #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
We love having Ted Danson as part of the cyber team. This is what we call a "Next Gen Forensic" moment #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Shout out to one of our fabulous writers @LilAngelK8!! She wrote next week's episode of #CSICyber!
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
okay guys, I'm trying to write a really emotional scene and live tweet at the same time and failing miserably. #CSICyber #pullingdoubleduty
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
We screened this episode for the whole cast and crew on our CTOC screens. It was epic #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Shout out to one of our awesome writers @DevonGreggory ! #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
Damn… just when you thought it was safe to murder a guy in front of his gaming console… #CSICyber
— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) October 5, 2015
The golf app is called Par Perfect and I'm prouder of that than I should be. #CSICyber
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
The first of many "toys" we're going to dissect this season… #CSICyber
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
Word to the wise – don't kill someone with a GPS enabled device – law enforcement will find the murder weapon #themoreyouknow #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
@CSICyberWriters as if murderers are reading my twitter feed #yikesihopenot #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
.@iwhata @LilAngelK8 he has a point…. #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
oddly enough, people like to throw clubs in frustration. and leave them on putting greens. #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
War driving is one of the reasons why you should change your modem's password frequently. #infotainment #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Where's our Happy Hoppe tonight?? @halsredeye is our happiest writer! #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
@PattyArquette and Ted Danson are simply magic together. #CSICyber
— Devon Greggory (@DevonGreggory) October 5, 2015
Guess this explains where Nelson's suits and ties went. #DapperKrumitz #CSICyber
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
@punkscience3 Fake answer: Krumitz has stolen all of them. Real answer: Wanted to give him a fresher look! #CSICyber
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
Poor Krumitz lost his parents and now his sister. Would you be able to forgive her? #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
The digital evidence placed her at the Francine of the crime. #CSICyber
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
oh….my….god. @iwhata, everyone. Our pun extraordinaire. #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
.@vanderjames @charley_koontz NO ONE can be happy when Krumitz is sad. It's like the planets are misaligned. #CSICyber
— CSI Cyber Writers (@CSICyberWriters) October 5, 2015
Oh man, thank you brother! You were just great in that last scene! Season 2!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 5, 2015
Did anyone else catch that Agent Mundo used the doll's catch phrase "This is going to be fun" while he apprehended the hacker? #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Oh man. Things are looking pretty van der bleak for Elijah. #CSICyber
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
Now I know why Nelson isn't wearing suits/ties anymore. Easier to undress for sexy shower scenes with Raven #didyouseethatcoming #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Other notable members of #CSICyber's Most Wanted: S4LV4G3, Cpt.Makita, 1nph1n1t1, Icebear, and of course… Johnny Haxalot.
— Evan Iwata (@iwhata) October 5, 2015
That's it. That's all. Tune in next week for another amazing episode of #CSICyber written by the uber talented @LilAngelK8
— Devon Greggory (@DevonGreggory) October 5, 2015
Awwww thanks Devon! And your fabulous episode is up the week after! We on fleek #icantstoptypingthat #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
@LilAngelK8 oh you KNOW!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 5, 2015
@jdeisenberg one of the most notorious hackers is named "Anaconda" in real life. So Python's not so far off… #artimitateslife #csicyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
@DevonGreggory thank you so much my friend!
— Charley Koontz (@charley_koontz) October 5, 2015
Thanks for watching everyone. Thanks @TedDansonReal for joining our team, see you back here next week. #CSICyber
— James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) October 5, 2015
Alright ladies and gents – thanks for tweeting along with me! I'll be back next week to tweet my episode of #csicyber #cantwait
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Best cast on TV! #CSICyber
— Kate (@LilAngelK8) October 5, 2015
Seeing that you guys loved the shower scene tonight on csi huh? ? Raven and Nelson have been busy since season 1. Lmao #csicyber
— Hayley Kiyoko (@HayleyKiyoko) October 5, 2015