‘Beyond Borders’ Cast & Crew Share More Tweets & Set Pics
7 min read
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders won’t air until midseason, but as CSI Files previously reported, filming for the show’s freshman season started back in July. You can find another collection of 76 tweets and photos below, which have been shared by the cast and crew over the past month:
DP Yasu Tanida prepares to shoot. Note the rag covering the lens. Blindfold efx? #GreatDP #CM:BBiscoming pic.twitter.com/O0AhCsDbL3
— John Roman (@johnlroman) August 1, 2015
End of our first week
of shooting on Criminal
Minds Beyond Borders.
Show is off to a great start. pic.twitter.com/7yexqki9lJ
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) August 1, 2015
Jack Garrett AKA Superman's phone booth. #cmbeyondborders #theothership @GarySinise pic.twitter.com/QvtgI2Lz31
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 3, 2015
Anyone up for going to Thailand?@GarySinise #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/HDYOAT5CNm
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 4, 2015
Director Bucksey channels John Huston in the jungle. D/P Tanida is working out the shot. Where are we? #CMBBiscoming pic.twitter.com/kEdFAkqtZn
— John Roman (@johnlroman) August 5, 2015
Greetings from Thailand set of Criminal Minds Beyond Borders. Hangin' with Alana in between shots. pic.twitter.com/UH7cUNurAV
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) August 5, 2015
I'm sitting in for the UnSub.Probably not this set dressing,but the shot might look like this.#JRonSet #CMBBiscoming pic.twitter.com/HcjeH1bgSM
— John Roman (@johnlroman) August 5, 2015
We've got one heck of a well traveled team! #cmbeyondborders #theothership pic.twitter.com/0Brefv6O7T
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 5, 2015
Can you feel the heat? Guess which sweltering subtropical country our team is in now! #cmbeyondborders #theothership pic.twitter.com/u1MIfDcC3L
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 6, 2015
Open the pod bay doors, Hal… Perhaps somebody drives a motorcycle on #CMBeyondBorders. This could be their helmet. pic.twitter.com/ZAOFFxJ1W4
— John Roman (@johnlroman) August 7, 2015
DP Yasu Tanida at work lighting @cmbeyondborders last night. Mr. T. is both good and fast. Hallmark of the great DP. pic.twitter.com/NoM8nMPeaL
— John Roman (@johnlroman) August 7, 2015
A little behind the scenes fun…w/ @GarySinise @danielhenney and Annie Funky? #Thailand #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/y9O1LgZL6k
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 7, 2015
Not sure! Hope I get to work with that team too…#Spoiled lol https://t.co/jmMlYyw8an
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 7, 2015
At the EP#102 Readthru… we made it to the table! #cmbeyondborders #theothership @RickDunkle #ticonajoy pic.twitter.com/zEPhm87n8r
— e4 (@e4meredith) August 7, 2015
The other day we were shooting on the set in CA. used for American Sniper. pic.twitter.com/2lyrMsCL2R
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) August 8, 2015
And my episode begins. #criminalminds #beyondborders pic.twitter.com/2WUYCRhZN9
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) August 8, 2015
Table read for episode 2! We are truckin' ya'll! #cmbeyondborders #theothership pic.twitter.com/rx1nAue4kr
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 9, 2015
Took a part time job today on Criminal Minds beyond Borders. @CM_SetReport pic.twitter.com/h1jmoqZt2U
— Joe Mantegna (@JoeMantegna) August 11, 2015
Crew kickin' it at Quantico. These guys are pulling it out today! #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/4GLf0yIOtj
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 12, 2015
Belize!! Well Santa Clarita under the 14 freeway pic.twitter.com/0eBKxfSPG7
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) August 14, 2015
Mustafa pic.twitter.com/FWLUh5cUmk
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) August 14, 2015
My job is to die for.#CMBeyondBorders #SPN pic.twitter.com/xLwBwqbEM0
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) August 17, 2015
Guess which crew set off the VERY LOUD fire alarms today? Hurray for fog machines! #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/b5wNtJ60mY
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 18, 2015
On to the next adventure #CriminalMindsBB @CBS pic.twitter.com/yvhDNius63
— Angelica Celaya (@AngelicaCelaya) August 18, 2015
@severeCMaddict Why yes it is.
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) August 19, 2015
Introducing IRT Unit Chief/ SSA Jack Garret (@GarySinise)
#CriminalMinds #BeyondBorders #cmBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/OM8AO2lE1e
— CMBeyond Borders (@BeyondBordersCM) August 19, 2015
Introducing SSA Clara Seger (@Alana_DeLaGarza)
#CriminalMinds #BeyondBorders #cmBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/zBP96YEqcr
— CMBeyond Borders (@BeyondBordersCM) August 19, 2015
Introducing SOA Matthew Simmons (@danielhenney)
#CriminalMinds #BeyondBorders #cmBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/4hr1agO3Zw
— CMBeyond Borders (@BeyondBordersCM) August 19, 2015
Introducing Technical Analyst Russ "Monty" Montgomery (@TylerJamesWill)#CriminalMinds #BeyondBorders #cmBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/kjfSniDMzI
— CMBeyond Borders (@BeyondBordersCM) August 19, 2015
Introducing Medical Examiner Mae Jarvis (Annie Funke)
#CriminalMinds #BeyondBorders #cmBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/McsRV96pA7
— CMBeyond Borders (@BeyondBordersCM) August 19, 2015
Day 1 – Episode 103 – MEXICO! pic.twitter.com/q9PTJ0fY9j
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) August 19, 2015
Our awesome DP during yesterday's "fire drill". #yasutunida #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/unBXR6U5Gm
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 19, 2015
"Acting is pretending that your not pretending." @GarySinise (simple but true)
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 19, 2015
With the happy cast
( minus our pal Tyler?)
of Criminal
Minds Beyond Borders pic.twitter.com/G3Ha0kq9WA
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) August 19, 2015
One of my favorite pics so far,Luv these guys! @GarySinise @danielhenney and Annie Funke #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/iQimTFnnvw
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 19, 2015
@severeCMaddict i feel like I am being profiled!
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) August 21, 2015
Jan premier! ??❤️ https://t.co/ibEsjxIYK6
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 25, 2015
@severeCMaddict uhhhhhh now we are in stalking territory
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) August 25, 2015
Mini screening of a cut of our first episode. We have such an awesome show, you guys! #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/1HeEyS7ifc
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 25, 2015
Our amazing M.E./Actress Mae/Annie Hard at work/Killin' it! #cmbeyondborders #coolestMEonTV pic.twitter.com/LzD7s1J2ji
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 28, 2015
It's time! #EP104 read through! @Alana_DeLaGarza #beyondborders @cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/B6vUoaeMC5
— e4 (@e4meredith) August 29, 2015
Got to work with the beautiful @AngelicaCelaya this episode! Talented and fab! #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders #ToughChic pic.twitter.com/NZdxqpuiUq
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 29, 2015
So lucky to have worked with you! @Alana_DeLaGarza you radiate awesomeness ! ?? #egees #tucson ? https://t.co/y30GkgiK12
— Angelica Celaya (@AngelicaCelaya) August 29, 2015
@Fledermauskacke nope a coming home…
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) August 30, 2015
Pull up a chair we're just getting started on @cmbeyondborders EP#104 Day 1 of 8 #setlife pic.twitter.com/KAONt2978f
— e4 (@e4meredith) August 31, 2015
Looking forward to working with @GarySinise and cast/crew in the coming days #CRIMINALMINDS #beyondborders
— Hari Dhillon (@DhillonHari) August 31, 2015
Congrats @e4meredith on your first script for our sister show @cmbeyondborders! #criminalminds #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/Kabn0PcmGg
— CM_SetReport (@CM_SetReport) August 31, 2015
Surprises around every corner on stage. Casual DB (writers' short hand for 'dead body') #beyondborders #writerslang pic.twitter.com/q0lj8QNJie
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) August 31, 2015
Great time with @Pinup_Julia @GarySinise @RangerSchlitz today on set of Criminal Minds Beyond Borders pic.twitter.com/aoAsJzbntS
— Pin-Ups For Vets (@PinUpsForVets) September 1, 2015
Season one swag. #CMBeyondBorders baby. pic.twitter.com/yg4cio9f41
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 1, 2015
@PackmanScouse Thx… Scorpion in Sept and Criminal Minds Beyond Borders in Jan ️xxx
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) September 2, 2015
Partner Luv ❤️? #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/GMkZrObgNP
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) September 2, 2015
Behind the scenes, Gary is really a floating head…lol #
@GarySinise @danielhenney #CriminalMindsBeyondBorders pic.twitter.com/hbS8jGNfO1
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) September 2, 2015
Yes the IRT… International Rescue Team https://t.co/YLn626LEBH
— Alana De La Garza (@Alana_DeLaGarza) September 2, 2015
Workin' hard in the writers room today! #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/2XVTp0Apxz
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 2, 2015
Aidan getting ready to shoot today on #CMBeyondBorders. Loves his trailer. pic.twitter.com/mM5KL9Wdl7
— Adam Glass (@AdamGlass44) September 3, 2015
Just a little light reading for Clara on the flight. @Alana_DeLaGarza #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/Et9JCDAz1C
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 4, 2015
Don't know yet on the air date and yes that was 1 hell of an episode ! ?? @CriminalMindsBB https://t.co/PmPGW71lJB
— Angelica Celaya (@AngelicaCelaya) September 4, 2015
Mumbai! Well not really – Panorama City pic.twitter.com/9lLNA2L3kR
— ian woolf (@ianwoolfupm) September 4, 2015
Writers room screening of EP102! Go team! #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/3x55wbqShg
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 4, 2015
Before last nights show at FT Jackson. 0ver 5000 Trainees start 2 gather, a little selfie with my new favorite hat pic.twitter.com/gErokIAsYi
— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) September 6, 2015
Can anyone guess what's happening here? Rock on EP104! #cmbeyondborders pic.twitter.com/5fTr9VpYEv
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 8, 2015
When you need two guns… #slummingit #cmbeyondborders #setlife pic.twitter.com/CV6qOB7HPH
— CMBB_SetReport (@cmbeyondborders) September 9, 2015