The latest episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, "Altered Stakes", earned the top spot on Wednesday, April 11. The crime...
Year: 2012
The franchise offers one new episode this week, featuring a case from Nick's past with ties to the late Detective...
CSI: Miami aired its tenth season finale on Sunday, April 8, and the final ratings are now available. "Habeas Corpse"...
This week's episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, "Altered Stakes", was written by written by Consulting Producer Elizabeth Devine, based...
Ryan becomes the main suspect when a crooked ASA winds up dead, in the season ten finale of CSI: Miami....
CSI Files has first look photos from the April 11 episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, titled "Altered Stakes". The...
The season ten finale of CSI: Miami is now available online. You can watch "Habeas Corpse" on or XFinity...
Due to golf coverage, the primetime lineup for CBS has been pushed back for viewers in the Eastern and Central...
Tonight's episode of CSI: Miami promises an emotional journey for the characters and viewers as the series airs its season---and...
The death of a billionaire genius sends the team on the hunt for a high-tech weapon. (more…)
The team is on the case when a mother is killed during a child beauty pageant, and one of the...
The team must race against the clock to save a missing family. (more…)
British Musician Ron Wood wrote and recorded a song for CSI: Miami. The track is called "Coming Together" and will...
You can find two scenes from tomorrow night's finale of CSI: Miami, "Habeas Corpse", embedded after the jump! (more…)
CSI: Miami actress Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne) is now on Twitter. You can follow her @emilyprocter99.