March 26 2025

CSI Files

An archive of CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds and crime drama news

‘CSI:NY’ Investigates The Death Of An Officer In ‘Civilized Lies’

3 min read

When an off-duty police officer is mortally wounded, the team is on the case to track down the killers in the twelfth episode of CSI: New York’s ninth season. (Major spoilers after the jump!)

According to CSI Files sources, “Civilized Lies” opens on a quiet night in Queens. The last few employees are leaving a store at closing time, and a man named Mike is carrying the money bag. Mike looks around carefully before he waves goodbye to his two female coworkers. The women head off together down the street, and Mike turns back to lock up the store. He pulls out his cellphone to answer a call from his son, letting him know he’s on his way. However, Mike soon spots a car pulling up to the curb nearby, and he knows that something is not right. Mike calmly tells his son that he must hang up, reminding the boy that he loves him and is proud of him. As soon as he ends the call, Mike turns around to fend off an attack, but he’s too late.

The team hears the story from an eye-witness, a wounded pedestrian named Anthony. According to Anthony, three men went after Mike, shooting him in the face with pepper spray before they tried to snatch the money bag out of his hands. Mike started to pull a gun out of his jacket, but one of the men got to it first. Desperate, Mike reached for a second gun strapped around his ankle, and this time he was able to shoot one of the men in the leg. The man who took Mike’s first gun fired it, shooting him several times. Despite the fact that he was badly wounded, Mike continued to fire his weapon as the men fled the scene, and one of the stray bullets flew across the street to hit Anthony in the shoulder.

Anthony explains this to the CSIs while his wound is being treated. Elsewhere in the hospital, Mike is still clinging to life. It is revealed that he is a police officer, and he was out of uniform during the attack because he was working a second job for extra money. Lindsay and Jo wait outside the operating room while Mike is in surgery, ready to take his clothes for evidence. Mike’s son Jake, the one he was talking to just before the attack, comes over to speak to them. He is in the police academy himself, preparing to follow in his father’s footsteps, and he is anxiously waiting to find out of his father will pull through. When the surgeon emerges to speak to the family gathered in the hallway, Jo and Lindsay hang back while the doctor delivers the tragic news that Mike has died.

The team is now investigating the murder of a police officer, and the case has top priority. Lindsay and Jo are tasked with collecting evidence from Mike’s body, while the rest of the CSIs get to work trying to track down the killers. Witnesses say that Mike was attacked by three African-American men, and the grainy surveillance footage from the store does indeed show three dark-skinned individuals. The injured pedestrian, Anthony, is brought to the precinct after he is treated for his gunshot wound, but the team doesn’t believe his version of events. He says he was shot from across the street, but the evidence doesn’t back up his story—he was shot at close range. The CSIs think he is involved, even though he is Caucasian and therefore doesn’t match the description of their suspects.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

“Civilized Lies” is expected to air January 11 on CBS.

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