Check Out More Pics From ‘CSI’ & ‘CSINY’
1 min readYou can find nearly 30 image thumbnails embedded after the jump, featuring the cast and crew of CSI: New York and CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
New York’s Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor) shared a few images from the set, including himself and costars Sela Ward (Jo Danville) and Eddie Cahill (Don Flack). Click to see each image full-sized:

CBS shared two pictures from the set of CSI, featuring Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows), Ted Danson (DB Russell) and newcomer Elisabeth Shue (Julie Finlay). Click to enlarge:

Director and Line Producer Frank Waldeck shared a bunch of CSI pictures, including shots of Helgenberger, George Eads (Nick Stokes), Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle), director/Producer Alec Smight, and guest stars Jesse McCartney and Sarah Dumont. Click to see full-sized images:

McCartney also posted a picture from his guest stint on CSI, and the image includes Eads and Waldeck—click for full size:

Jesse McCartney on WhoSay
Director Jeffrey Hunt is preparing to film episode sixteen of CSI, and he posted some pictures from the location scouting. The last image, featuring Hunt doing prep-work for the episode, is from Waldeck. Click to enlarge each thumbnail: