March 10 2025

CSI Files

An archive of CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds and crime drama news

Interview: Eva La Rue

6 min read

Fans of Eva La Rue and CSI: Miami will be somewhat disappointed this season. Due to budget constraints, the Natalia Boa Vista actress will be written out of multiple episodes, the first of which airs this Sunday. Just a few days after the unfortunate news hit, La Rue called up CSI Files’ Shane Saunders to talk about her upcoming absence from the series, projects she’d like to tackle next, and much more.

CSI Files: The big thing right now is how you are going to be appearing in a reduced capacity this season.

Eva La Rue: Yeah. Not last year, but the year before was the first year I got reduced. I was out of three episodes that year and I was supposed to be out of three or four last year. But, with Emily [Procter, Calleigh Duquesne] getting pregnant, they needed me so they added me back into those episodes. This year I thought I was going to be in all the episodes but as soon as the season started then work said no, I was going to be out of three [episodes].

CSI Files: It wasn’t your decision–

La Rue: Actually, it was four episodes but our Executive Producer Ann [Donahue] helped me out and put me back in one. She found a way to make it work. Our network is saying budget.

CSI Files: So this was CBS’ doing?

La Rue: Yeah. It wasn’t the writers, it wasn’t the producers, and I know they’ve all been saying “Oh my gosh.” Actually, with as much as I’ve been working last year and this year, having these three episodes off is pretty nice. [Laughs.]

CSI Files: It would have made sense if this all happened after “Countermeasures.”

La Rue: Yeah, yeah, you know what? It would have been great to leave it on a cliffhanger because you didn’t know if I was alive or dead. That would have been great.

CSI Files: Talking about that cliffhanger: was there ever a chance you were not going to return this season?

La Rue: I suppose. A few of us were renegotiating our contracts but I don’t think they did that [cliffhanger] because of that.

CSI Files: Does it feel like Miami is nearing the end of its run?

La Rue: I don’t know. CSI: NY was only ordered for eighteen episodes this year and there’s been talk that this is probably it’s last year; I don’t know if that’s true or not. We only got ordered for nineteen episodes this year instead of our usual twenty-two or twenty-four. So I don’t know what’s going to happen. We always get preempted for a couple of months by football on the east coast. They’re saying we don’t need twenty-four episodes because they’re going to run reruns on nights that are still getting preempted by football. So [twenty-two] actually ends up being plenty; that may have helped us get another year, actually. If we save money and it still ends up being a lucrative show to produce then that’ll maybe help us last another year.

CSI Files: When CSI: Miami does end would you want to do a comedy or another drama?

La Rue: I would love to do a comedy. I’d love to do a one-camera comedy; I like the idea of doing a single camera comedy better because I think it feels more like a movie comedy. A sitcom is definitely a better schedule, though. That would give me lots of time with Kaya [her daughter] and Joe [her husband] because the schedule is three weeks on, one week off. You get some downtime to recoup and get some stuff done at home and see the people that you love. So that would be amazing to do.

CSI Files: This year’s Halloween episode titled “By The Book” and we hear something happens to you with a “vampire.”

La Rue: No, I think that’s Emily! Emily gets bit by the vampire and she’s chasing a vampire dude through a forest. Intitally, I was the one who was bitten and chased. Now it’s Emily being bit and chased around…

CSI Files: Speaking of ending up in these precarious situations it seems that whenever there’s a spotlight on either Natalia or Calleigh, there’s a need to victimize the both of you. What’s that all about?

La Rue: Well, you know, they have the need to victimize us but at the same time I think they always show how strong we are. I don’t mind it because we usually come out on top. I would be more offended by it if it was constantly getting knocked down and not getting back up again.

CSI Files: In “Stiff” Natalia had a little moment with a guy but obviously things did not go so well. Is there a possible love interest coming up for her or any chance of sparks flying between you and another character?

La Rue: I don’t think so, not yet. Right now we’re shooting Episode Nine so I am not in next week’s episode which is Episode Five and I’m not in Episode Nine which they’re shooting now. I don’t know what episode number it is but I’m not in the episode we’re shooting during the second week of December.

CSI Files: You get a lot of comments on Twitter about things that don’t even pertain to your character, especially in regards to the Calleigh/Eric (Adam Rodriguez) romance. What are your thoughts on that pairing?

La Rue: I think it’s great. It’s tough. We don’t have a character-driven show so I think the fans get really frustrated because they don’t get to see any consistency in terms of what’s happening romantically. We kind of just have to take it with a grain of salt. It shows up where it shows up.

CSI Files: I have to be upfront and honest: when Natalia first arrived during season four there was a little bit of loathing her on my part, but of course masterfully played on your behalf. But Natalia has done this complete transformation from a character that we really weren’t sure what her agenda was to becoming a fan favorite.

La Rue: I would have to agree with you. I didn’t like me either in the first year. I thought the audience was going to [in a singing voice] hate me! We all know somebody like that; who’s a new girl or a new guy and they just kind of fuck up left, right, and center because they’re so insecure and coming into an already established team. You try to find your place. But I understood what they were writing for her so I sympathize with her.

CSI Files: What else can viewers expect this season?

La Rue: Episode Eight we revisit this serial killer that we just saw last weekend. I think that’s a fabulously creepy storyline. The fact that he gets away with stuff because he’s so wealthy is infuriating and crazy. So we revisit that and then this next weekend, even though I’m not in it, is about Memmo! I love that character. He’s a bad, bad guy.


Follow Eva La Rue on Twitter: @evalaruecappoo


Shane Saunders is a freelance writer and reviewer. His work can be seen on EDGE Network and Twitter: @ShaneSSaunders.

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