First “Loco Motives” Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahOctober 31, 2006 - 5:13 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “Post Mortem” will bring back a recurring storyline. Grissom has already faced a miniature replica of the crime scene in the murder of Izzy Delancey in “Built to Kill, Part Two.” A miniature crime scene replica will also be found at victim Penny Garden’s home in the yet-to-air episode “Post Mortem.” In “Loco Motives,” Grissom tackles yet another intricate crime scene replica. This time the replica depicts the murder of chicken processing plant worker Raymundo Suarez.
The body of Raymundo Suarez is found face down in a stun bath at Mannleigh Chicken Processing Plant. Suarez is employed there as a slaughter line worker. The stun bath is a shallow bath with electrodes just beneath the water line, used to stun chickens during the slaughter process. The electrical current in the bath causes the muscles to contract, seizing up. Although the bath is shallow, if Suarez were pushed face down into the water with the current on, the muscle contraction would have made it impossible for him to get out. Suarez drowned. There were no defensive wounds.
A miniature replica of the crime scene, including the body of Suarez face down in the stun bath and some surrounding equipment, is found. Grissom studies the replica found at this scene, along with the replicas found in the Izzy Delancey and Penny Garden cases. All three are entirely devoid of any biological trace.
Warrick questions the Mannleigh workers. He learns from Ernie Dell that Suarez was sleeping with plant owner Ike Mannleigh’s wife.
Sara discovers a connection between Izzy Delancey and the plant owner Ike Mannleigh. Delancey filmed a public service announcement revealing inhumane practices employed at Mannleigh’s plant. Plant workers were secretly videotaped slamming loose animals into walls, stomping on them and kicking them across the room. The public service announcement was a PR nightmare for Mannleigh, causing his sales to drop by 80%.
Brass brings Mannleigh in for questioning. Mannleigh acknowledges that his wife is a slut and if he killed every guy who banged her, he’d have bodies stacked up like cord wood. He denied knowing Penny Garden. With respect to Delancey, he admits hating the man, but denies killing him.
Meanwhile, Sophia, Nick and Greg work on the murder of Mrs. Ivanova, an elderly Russian woman killed in her apartment by having her head shoved in her kitchen oven. There are obvious signs of struggle.
It is later discovered that another murder, that of Patty Sullivan, was committed the same morning. The apartment rented by Patty Sullivan and her husband Max contains some unusual elements at the scene. It’s apparent that a hasty clean-up took place, but Phenol reveals that the kitchen is covered in blood. Green Jell-O clings to the underside of the cabinets. Sophia looks out the Sullivan kitchen window and notices that it looks directly into Mrs. Ivanova’s kitchen window, directly across a courtyard.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. “Loco Motives” is expected to air on the 30th of November, 2006.
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