'CSI' Dines 'À La Cart'
By RachelJuly 30, 2007 - 3:17 AM
See Also: 'A La Cart' Episode Guide
The second episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation involves a case where even the witnesses didn't see a thing.
According to CSI Files sources, "À La Cart" follows the case of a man murdered in a restaurant where the lights are turned off. Restaurant owner Pippa Sanchez explains that when the patrons are deprived of sight, their other senses are heightened, creating a sensual eating experience. The very thing that makes the restaurant unique makes the murder investigation more difficult. Despite the room being full of people, nobody actually saw the murder take place.
Warrick, Catherine and Brass try to piece together what happened to the victim, Hampton Huxley. Huxley was stabbed in the temple at his table. The three young women who were dining with him had no idea that he was dead until they were getting ready to leave the restaurant. April Kissimee, who has blood on her shirt, explains that she thought Huxley, an older man, had just fallen asleep after their meal.
Pink angora fibers from April's dress lead the CSIs to Frankie Vannucci, who was dining in the restaurant with his brothers at the same time as Huxley's group. When Brass questions him about the fibers, Vannucci admits that he used the darkness as a chance to get close to Huxley's table and play a perverse joke on one of the "kitties" who were dining with the older man. The waiter, a blind man named Michael Bowie, tells Brass that he escorted Vannucci back to his table.
Bowie explains that he has an advantage working in the restaurant since other people rely on their eyes and need help getting around. Brass asks whether Bowie heard anything unusual, but he says that he didn't know that anything had gone wrong until April couldn't wake Huxley up and called for help. In the restaurant, Warrick and Catherine examine the rest of the room and find evidence of a struggle at a different table.
Meanwhile, Nick and Greg investigate the decapitation of Peter Bastille. They visit a go-cart track where the young man had been racing the day before. When they get a list of the race results, they discover that Peter had consistently beat 19-year-old Rodney "Hot Rod" Anderson. Nick goes to talk to Rodney and notices that he is wearing an Army Ranger belt--a belt that belonged to Peter Bastille.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"À La Cart" is expected to air October 4, 2007.
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