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'New York' Goes Bungee Jumping In 'People With Money'

By Carolina
June 30, 2006 - 7:27 PM

See Also: 'People With Money' Episode Guide

In the third season premiere of CSI: New York, entitled "People With Money," the show will take a plunge over the Brooklyn Bridge.

According to CSI Files sources, Mac, Stella, and Lindsay investigate the death of Sam McFarland, whose body is found at the Brooklyn Bridge. An earring at the scene leads Mac and Stella to Carla Daniels, an adventurous girl in her 20s who was at the scene of the crime, but not exactly to murder Sam. Carla and her boyfriend have an affinity for bungee sex – which is exactly what it sounds like. Carla was arrested for burglary when she was 16, and Mac and Stella wonder if she was trying to rob again.

But Carla debunks their theory. As she and her boyfriend were getting ready to leave, she witnessed Sam climbing over the railing, bloody and calling for help. Carla maintains she was the one who called the police, she and her boyfriend picked up their things and left. She swears again she didn't hurt or steal from Sam: she was only there to have sex with her boyfriend as they both plunged into the East River at 100 miles an hour.

Further evidence leads the CSIs to the Lollipop Club, a high end strip club where Sam apparently spent a lot of his time. Mac and Stella talk to Dori Robbins, a pregnant stripper who makes a lot of money showing off her belly. Dori last saw Sam the night before, when he'd asked her to marry him. Dori is shocked to hear Sam is dead, and admits she was at the Brooklyn Bridge – that's where Sam proposed. Dori also informs them that three months before, Sam was trying to pay her money to stay out of his life. Stella wonders if that made Dori angry and Dori admits it did, but not angry enough to kill him, after all – why would she kill the father of her baby? Dori's argument is compelling, but the CSIs have learned to trust no one.

Meanwhile, Danny and Hakes investigate a murder at the penthouse of the Mandarin Oriental. Beverly May was 24 years old and the heiress of a fortune. She was found by her best friend Margo Deming, who tried to revive Beverly, but it was clear Beverly was already gone. Like most people with money, however, Beverly had a dark side that ultimately may have lead to the end of her short life.

"People With Money" will also see the introduction of a new detective. Jennifer Angell is described as, "young, bright, sees everything." The detective also has tattooed roses around her wrist, but despite her appearances she's all business. Jennifer has been training as a detective and in the episode will finally go solo. She'll be working with Danny and Hawkes.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"People With Money" is expected to air this September.

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