‘Raising Shane’ Promo Available Online
By DeborahNovember 29, 2006 - 5:02 AM
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI:New York episode “Raising Shane.”
In this episode, a bartender is shot in cold blood and the CSIs are shocked when the prime suspect is Sheldon Hawkes.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at CBS.com. For those with slower internet connections, a full transcript of the promo video follows:
[Group shot of Danny, Lindsey, Stella, Mac and Hawkes walking.]
[Voice over: “This CSI team follows the …”
[Mac shines a flashlight; text reads “evidence”.]
[Voice over (cont.): “evidence to find …”]
[Close-up on Lindsey.]
[Gloved hand uses tweezers to remove evidence from spider-webbed glass; text over reads “truth”.]
[Voice over (cont.): “the truth.”]
[A black man is seen from behind; followed by a blur.]
[Voice over: “But what happens …”]
[Close-up on a gun.]
[A blonde woman; a gun fires.]
[Voice over (cont.): “when the evidence …”]
[A man in a green sweatshirt covers his face with his arms.]
[Another man is seen from behind, shouts, “But your hands over your head.”]
[Close-up on Stella’s worried face.]
[Voice over (cont.): “points to one of their own?”]
[Close-up on Mac’s worried face.]
[Sound over: the sound of a gun shot.]
[Close-up on Hawkes, wearing a green sweatshirt.]
[Voice over: “That’s him!”]
[Mac and Hawkes stand in an interrogation room.]
[Mac: “What the hell’s going on?”]
[Hawkes: “I swear to God, Mac, I don’t know.”]
[Stella, Lindsey, Flack and Danny are at the crime scene.]
[Lindsey: “They found a wad of cash in his pocket.”]
[Medium on Stella and Mac.]
[Stella: “What the hell was he doing on Green Street?”]
[Hawkes jogging at night.]
[Close-up on Hawkes.]
[Hawkes: “I went for a run. Next thing I know, I’m staring down …”]
[Hawkes being arrested.]
[Hawkes (cont.): “the barrel of two guns.”]
[Close-up on Mac.]
[Mac: “The bouncer ID’d you.”]
[Medium on an unknown black man.]
[Close-up on Danny.]
[Danny: “You couldn’t have seen him. It happened way too fast.”]
[Hooded figure with gun drawn.]
[The unknown black man argues back with Danny: “You weren’t there. I was.”]
[Mac and Hawkes in the interrogation room; heated; yelling simultaneously.]
[Mac: “What happened while you were running?”]
[Hawkes: “I didn’t do it!”]
[Close-up on Hawkes, seen through bars.]
[Hawkes: “I’m losing my mind.”]
[Exterior shot of big city buildings.]
[Simultaneous voice and text over: “CSI:NY Wednesday 10/9c.”]
To view the trailer of this new CSI:New York episode, head over to the official CSI:New York website.
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