'Miami' Dances To The 'Rap Sheet'
By CaillanMarch 29, 2004 - 12:10 PM
See Also: 'Rap Sheet' Episode Guide
A rapper's concert goes off in all the wrong ways when his bodyguard is shot dead in CSI: Miami episode twenty-two, "Rap Sheet".
The victim, Billy Rodman, was a member of the security team for hot rap star 10-Large, according to CSI Files sources. He was shot three times during a performance by 10-Large on Miami's main beach. Horatio immediately recognises the singer from his "rap sheet", a slang term which refers to a police arrest record.
10-Large is full of bravado and refuses to talk to Horatio or the police. But that doesn't mean there aren't any suspects. Number one on the list is Killa-J. A rapper who claims 10-Large stole his music, Killa-J was at the concert when Billy was killed protecting 10-Large.
Naturally, Killa-J denies everything and, as Horatio soon discovers, he's not lying. During Calleigh's reconstruction of the shooting, the CSIs discover that the shooter wasn't aiming at 10-Large: he was trying to hit Billy.
Speedle and Delko work the B-plot, which was originally scripted as part of "The Oath". In this storyline, a woman called Veronica Grant is discovered alive in the morgue by Alexx. Veronica was pronounced dead at the scene of a car accident ealier that day by the paramedic when he checked her vitals. As it turns out, she was suffering from hypothermia.
Combing the car for clues, Delko discovers a ripped toenail in the passenger seat, which means someone was travelling with Vanessa. They find the body of another woman, Nicole Harjo, lodged in a tree close to the scene of the accident; she had been thrown out of the car by the force of the crash. One problem: she was dead even before the accident took place...
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.
"Rap Sheet" will likely air in May, 2004.
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