First ‘Murder Sings The Blues’ Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahSeptember 28, 2006 - 10:23 PM
According to CSI Files sources, “Murder Sings the Blues” finds Danny, Stella and Flack investigating the death of Gregory Jordan, Manhattan’s most eligible bachelor. Jordan was a triathlete, philanthropist and notorious playboy. He was found dead in the swim gym inside his multi-million dollar condo. With no signs of struggle, it initially appears to be an accidental drowning -- until Stella notes that someone pushed the button to close the swim gym cover.
Flack questions the young woman who found Jordan’s body, Lorelie. Lorelie was Jordan’s “Room Maid.” She cleans for high end male clients in exchange for room and board. To land this gig, she had to go through credit and background checks and pose for pictures. She even wears contact lenses and a wig to fit Jordan’s preference for blue-eyed blondes. It was her first day on the job.
Flack questions Jordan’s neighbor’s, revealing an eclectic mix of young, hip and glamorous residents of the posh condo.
Back at the lab, Danny examines the contents of the swimming pool filter and discovers a contact lens, along with some unsavory items.
Meanwhile, Lindsey, Hawkes, Mac and Detective Angell investigate the death of Jenny Aders, a passenger on a subway train with a strangely shaped burn on her shoulder. Hawkes knew the victim.
Mac and Angell question Randy Cooper, the man who found Aders dying yet did nothing to save her. Cooper is in the party business. He distributes flyers announcing the details of parties on subway trains. People are willing to pay top dollar for the flyers, as the time and train remain secret until the day of the party. Aders was found at the end of Cooper’s recent party on the blue train.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. “Murder Sings the Blues’” is expected to air on the 1st of November, 2006.
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