'Miami's' Criminal Duo To Take 'Free Fall'
By CarolinaMarch 28, 2006 - 7:03 PM
See Also: 'Free Fall' Episode Guide
In the CSI: Miami episode "Free Fall," the team breaks the norm when they have to protect a couple of criminals from being killed.
According to CSI Files sources, the episode begins with teenagers Wayne and TJ, who are breaking into an abandoned hotel called the Mayfair. They call themselves Urban Explorers, and their main objective seems to be breaking into abandoned buildings to collect antique artifacts. Wayne is excited about the possibilities the Mayfair holds, since the hotel once hosted legendary patrons such as Frank Sinatra and other members of the Rat Pack. TJ does not share Wayne's enthusiasm – it's getting late and the abandoned hotel is giving him the creeps.
TJ has reason to be hesitant. As Wayne continues to explore the area, appreciating everything from the phones to the walls, TJ hears the unmistakable sound of wood giving in. The teenager has no time to run before the floor beneath him gives in and he falls through the wood, down to the next floor and into a tub. TJ barely has time to get his bearings back before he realizes he's lying on a bed of maggots. In the tub, the teenager comes face to face with two putrefying bodies that are being devoured by thousands of worms. The experience couldn't possibly get more horrifying - until one of the bodies comes to life and desperately grabs TJ by the arm.
When Horatio and the team arrive at the scene, Wayne and TJ are being interrogated by the cops. The dead body has been identified as Manny Vargas and his brother Miguel, who gave TJ the biggest scare of his life, is being taken to the hospital. Both men were shot through the back of the head; Miguel was lucky, Manny was not. Both men were armed, but neither seemed to have the time to defend themselves. Could they have been ambushed? The cold blooded murder has the distinctive signature of a cartel hit.
Horatio talks to Nicolas Suarez, new owner of the Mayfair. Nicolas admits his advisor told him it would be a waste of money to invest on security before the renovations on the hotel begin, and that, regrettably, made it easy for anyone to break in. The man agrees to give Horatio a list of contractor employees. Just a couple of feet away, Ryan meets with reporter Erica Sikes, who already seems to know more about the case than the CSIs themselves. Ryan tries not to give the reporter too much information, but knows Erica would put her life on the line for a good story.
The detectives find Miguel's van and discover it was given a parking ticket three days ago in front of the Miami Mutual bank. They also find hundred dollar bills bitten to pieces by rats. Whatever killed Manny was definitely money related. Delko talks to Jason Adams, manager of the branch, who says nothing exciting has happened in the bank, except for a man whose car was stolen while he was using the ATM outside. Turns out this car was taken by none other than Miami's criminal duo of Leo Riggs and Sienna Stone.
Leo and Sienna were first seen in the episode "Fade Out," in which they stole 10k from a bank and were attempting to flee Miami. The couple was detained, but not before releasing the money into the air, making a few pedestrians very happy. Leo and Sienna have since them become media darlings, but it's obvious they learned nothing from their stay in jail. Leo and Sienna have not only stolen a car, but also the money Miguel and Manny were so interested in, and when the CSIs discover the money ultimately belonged to a Colombian drug lord, the detectives decide they need to protect these two naive criminals before they fall prey to bigger predators.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details and the airing order of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"Free Fall" is expected to air April 10th on CBS.
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