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CBS Releases First February Footage

By Christian
January 27, 2005 - 7:43 PM

February Sweeps - Copyright CBS CBS may not be airing a new CSI episode yet tonight, but the network has already started hyping the things you will be able to expect from CSI once the show returns in the February sweeps.

Instead of specifically promoting tonight's repeat of "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?", the network has uploaded a new 20-second trailer containing the first video material of several upcoming CSI episodes. The promo contains footage of next week's CSI episode, "Nesting Dolls," in which the CSIs uncover the tar-covered bodies of two Russian women who were mail-order brides, and of "Unbearable," in which Catherine, Nick and Warrick must discover what happened to a man found mauled to death in the woods by a bear. Scenes from other upcoming episodes may also have been included.

The 20-second trailer for the episodeis now available on the official CBS site. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:


February Sweeps - Copyright CBS

[Inside a frame and above the text 'TV's Most Watched Drama,' we see Grissom holding tweezers.]
[Catherine Willows looks up.]
[Warrick Brown lowers his camera.]
[Sara Sidle looks up.]
[Nick Stokes moves his flashlight around.]
[Greg Sanders, wearing lab gloves, is collecting evidence.]


[Text: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation']
[Brass talks to someone off-screen.]
Brass: "Make yourself comfortable."
[A massive explosion.]
[Extreme close-up of someone in distress.]
[As a colleague opens a door, Warrick points his flashlight inside and raises his gun.]
[A group of heavily-armed police officers run up the stairs towards a building.]
[A man tries to escape.]
[An armed police man enters the building.]
[Several CSIs examine a sandy crime scene.]
[Nick scratches his head.]
[Grissom is stunned.]
Grissom: "You dug up two bodies covered in tar?"
[Grissom and Catherine try to decide how to examine one of those bodies.]
[Flashback shot of a woman struggling.]
[Nick examines a piece of evidence with the help of his flashlight.]
[Sara picks up a large white face cast.]
[She carefully brushes away some details on the cast.]
[Warrick takes off a mouth cap.]
[A large bear behind a fence growls at us.]
[Catherine walks up to Dr. Al Robbins.]
[Close-up of Catherine.]
Catherine: "We'll actually autopsy a bear?"
February Sweeps - Copyright CBS[Two kids play with a giant inflatable in a pool.][Dr. Robbins examines the bear's head.]
[Greg is amused.]
Greg: "First time for everything."
[Grissom looks up from his magnifying glass.]
[Flash: A human skull.]
[Flash: Someone wearing latex gloves examines a dead person's toe.]
[Flash: Close-up of a piece of fabric held between a pair of tweezers.]
[Flash: A view through a microscope.]
[Flash: A crumpled piece of paper seen through a magnifying glass.]
[Flash: A schematic drawing.]
[Flash: A view through a microscope.]
[Flash: Extreme close-up of someone's face.]
[Flash: Two fingers with blood on their tips.]
[Flash: A white latex glove in a drawer.]
[Flash: View of a carpet through a magnifying glass.]
[Flash: An electronic situation display.]
[Flash: Microscope view of a piece of fiber.]
[Flash: Security cam footage of a bedroom.]
[Flash: Someone wearing gloves of black leather is holding a gun.]
[Flash: The silhouettes of two people.]
[Flash: Close-up of someone ducking for cover.]


[A close-up view of a human eye, turning into...]
[... the CSI logo.]

To view the 30-second promo in streaming Real Media format, head over to the official CSI site.

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