Site Columns
By CarolinaDecember 26, 2005 - 11:28 PM
Hello World!
I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas this year! I didn't get presents, cause, I guess after you reach a certain age you don't get any. Or at least that's what I've... been told. Wait a second... damn! Foiled again! Yeah, I totally got the shaft. Not funny. But I had a nice time with my family, and that's all that counts, Charlie Brown.
So I've been unemployed for a while now, and what is it about unemployment that makes you wanna bake and/or cook? I've been baking every single day, even though I have, like, -385,583.37 dollars in my bank account right now. I'm turning into a regular Martha Stewart, or worse, Rachel Ray.
Naturally, I've been watching The Food Network a lot. Am I the only one who thinks Sandra Lee might be a bit of an alcoholic? The woman is just insanely dysfunctional. Her entire kitchen is pink, she's always wearing pink, all her dishes are pink, even the drinks she makes are all pink. Her show always has that glowy filter they use on middle aged actresses so we don't see their wrinkles. Or I guess they're going for a 'magical, enchanted' look? Is she supposed to be a pretty little sparkly princess? Either way, it creeps me out. And then she turns everything into an alcoholic drink, and she subjects us to her savoring these like she's having an orgasm. Guh. This woman scares me. And then she's like a toothpick, but her boobs are huge... no, thanks, scary lady.
Today she's having a pajama party with her niece. Okay, that's just sad. You know she's one of those women who went straight from her mansion to the sorority house, and then met the captain of the football team (like, OMG!) and got married, and everything was perfect for a while, but then her husband started gaining weight and coming home late and reeking of Martha Stewart, so she started drinking, and drinking, somehow got her own television show and now her social life extends to her 5 year old niece and a couple of inanimate Care Bears. I find myself happy every time she gets drunk, just because I feel so sorry for her. Sandra Lee is pretty much what would've happened eventually to Sandy from Grease.
This, of course, is followed by Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals. I could put my television on mute and the woman could still be heard across the island. Bring it down a couple of decibels, Rachel.
Talk CSI Files threads
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:
- In the Miscellaneous forum, people are revealing the presents they got for Christmas.
- In the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation forum, fans are missing Lady Heather.
- And in the Forensic Science forum, people are discussing the controversial truth about 911.
More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!
CSI Files Two Years Ago
Here's what was hot back in December of 2003:
- Final Ratings Show 'CSI' On Top
CSI and Miami finished the year with a bang. Their respective episodes, "Coming of Rage" and "Extreme" placed the shows in two of the top three spots for the week, along with Without A Trace. - CBS Acquires New Crime Drama
CBS announced a new crime drama, CCAT: Career Criminal Apprehension Team, about a law enforcement agency whose job it was to track career criminals, and keep them from committing further crimes. Unfortunately for the show, it didn't remain in the schedule long.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:
,Thanks to everyone who voted! Let us know how you like the new season of CSI so far. ,
Happy Birthday!
On December 29th, Kim Delaney (Megan Donner) will celebrate her 44th birthday. Happy birthday, from everyone at CSI Files!
This Week On TV
- Tonight at 10:00pm, CSI: Miami's "Prey" will air on CBS again. If you missed it the first time, here's how CBS described it:
"The CSIs must investigate the dark side of Miami's nightclub scene when a teenage tourist goes missing. Sara Jennings was on her way to the Bahamas via Miami for a class trip when a wild night of partying, drinking and sex got out of control. Now, the CSIs must discover who she was with and what happened that night in order to find her. Meanwhile, Horatio's past in New York City resurfaces when an old unsolved case lands on his desk."
- On Wednesday night at 10pm, CBS will air the CSI: New York episode "Zoo York." Here's a brief synopsis:
"When a man is torn to pieces by a tiger at the New York animal conservatory, Mac and Danny must discover who was responsible for getting him there. While investigating a vicious tiger mauling at a New York zoo, the CSIs question the workers at the meatpacking plant the victim owned. Meanwhile, Stella and Dr. Hawkes must solve the murder of a debutante found dead on a Central Park carousel. Also, a new CSI joins the team."
- And on Thursday at 9:00pm, the CSI episode "Shooting Stars" will air again. This is what you can expect from it:
"When one cult member turns up missing at a mass suicide crime scene, Grissom and his team investigate whether the small cult really committed suicide or were murdered. A middle of the night break-in at a suburban home on the edge of the Vegas desert leads the CSIs to discover an abandoned military compound being used to house a small cult. Once inside, they discover a mass suicide has taken place. However, with 11 bodies and 12 beds, Grissom surmises that the killer may be the one body missing."
In addition to the above episodes on CBS, cable channel SpikeTV will of course continue its daily CSI repeats.
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