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By CarolinaJuly 25, 2005 - 4:15 PM
Hello World!
Morning, everyone.
I don't have much to say today, except... has anyone else experienced chronic fuzziness every time the March of the Penguins trailer airs? Everyone who knows me knows I’m obsessed with penguins. Penguins rock. No one beats penguins, not even babies, kitties or puppies or little chicks or ducklings. Penguins just rock. They just rock. I recently visited the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and spent hours and hours (okay, maybe just 20 minutes) looking at the penguins. And I laughed. A lot. Other people laughed, too, but I get the feeling they weren't laughing with me.
Needless to say, I will not miss this movie if Poseidon suddenly develops a grudge against me. If you're wondering what it's about, it's a documentary that captures the journey of Emperor penguins across frozen landscapes as they migrate -- single-file -- to a familiar, yet mysterious destination so they can mate. Let's face it, if human beings had to march, single-file, to another place just to procreate, we'd be extinct. I know I've called multiple dates off just cause I'm too lazy to pick an outfit, imagine if I had to walk somewhere. So my admiration for penguins is great.
Check out the movie's official website for more info.
Talk CSI Files threads
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:
- If you had the oppurtunity to watch E!'s Real Life CSI: This Investigates, head over to the General CSI Discussion to voice your impressions on the special.
- Now that the Raymond Caine storyline has been resolved, will we see our beloved bad guy Rick Stetler again? Tell us what you think at the CSI: Miami forum.
- They solve crimes and look good while doing so. Discuss the CSI wardrobe at the Merchandise board.
More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!
CSI Files Two Years Ago
Here's what was hot back in July of 2003:
- Second 'CSI' Computer Game Confirmed
The success of the first CSI computer game had Ubi Soft considering the release of a second one. "We're working with all the people that helped make the first game so good, including 369 Interactive, Max Allan Collins, Daniel Holstein, and the production staff of the CSI TV show," executive producer Tony Van said. Dark Motives hit the stores soon after. - First 'CSI: Miami' Comic Announced
Jeff Mariotte's Miami comic, Smoking Gun was already to hit the stands two years ago. The story revolves around a "mid-day shooting spree" in crowded South Beach, one of Miami's hottest tourist destinations. It's up to the CSIs to sort through the carnage and find out who was responsible for the horrific crime. - Zuiker Teases 'CSI' Season Four
Anthony Zuiker promised the fourth season of CSI would see more significant scenes between Grissom and Sara. "We like to play subtexts between Grissom and Sara," Zuiker said. "That was certainly an interesting dynamic last year when the entire lab blew up and she hurt her wrist and he called her 'honey,' and he's made some interesting comments."
More news can be found in the archives.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:
,Thanks to those of you who voted! For our next poll, put one of CSI's most underrated characters in the spotlight,
Today's Television Listings
- Tonight, CBS will air a repeat of the CSI: Miami episode, "Sex And Taxes". Here's a brief description:
"An IRS agent is killed while trying to repossess a delinquent taxpayer's yacht soon after the CSIs discover a second IRS agent shot to death. Now, just when everyone has a reason to detest the IRS, Horatio must find who is behind what could possibly be a series of murders right before tax day."
- On Wednesday night at 10/9c, CBS will air CSI: New York's "Outside Man". Here's a preview:
"In a test of faith to them both, Mac assigns Danny and Aiden to one of the team's toughest cases yet: a multiple homicide in which employees of a restaurant are found shot to death with plastic bags over their heads. As they examine the clues, all signs point to an "inside" job but not to a suspect. Meanwhile, Mac and Stella investigate the death of a man found dead in his bed, whose amputated lower leg led them to him."
- Another one of CSI's season 5 episodes will air on Thursday night at 9/8c. Here's a description of "Weeping Willows":
"After a tough day on the job, Catherine heads to a bar to unwind and has a brief romantic encounter with a stranger, Adam Novak. When a woman from the same bar turns up dead later that night, evidence points to Novak as the lead suspect in the murder investigation. Friction arises between Grissom and Catherine when she fails to disclose her knowledge of the suspect. Meanwhile, Mia deals with cross contamination of evidence in the DNA lab."
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