News Bullets
By CaillanMay 25, 2003 - 8:14 AM
- has transcribed an interview with Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle) from People Magazine. Fox told the magazine she initially didn't think CSI would take off. "I didn't think a show about death would do well," she said. The full article can be found here.
- The first half of CSI's second season has been released on DVD in Spain, according to Planeta Comica. The cover art can be viewed at this page. Thanks to David Hernando for this!
- 'Sobell' has posted her 14-page recap of CSI's "Inside The Box" at Television Without Pity. Here's how the article starts:
Day breaks over Las Vegas -- sunny, cloudless, devoid of any portents of doom. Who will buy this beautiful morning? Such a day I never did see. Who will tie it up with a ribbon and put it in a box for Gil? I mean, that's what the title of the episode refers to, right? Gil's fabulously sunny day?
The episode was given a B minus grade in the full recap.
- CSI Miami's 75-minute final episode didn't rate as high with Sobell, who gave "Body Count" a C minus grade. Her "recaplet" described the episode as a "season finale that makes us grateful the TV season is only nine months long".
- UK's Channel Five is currently developing a police series which is being promoted as a British version of CSI, according to The Guardian.
- Scott Collins at MSNBC said CSI: Miami was one of the few new scripted series which took off in a season dominated by reality television.
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