News Bullets
By CarolinaApril 25, 2006 - 9:57 PM
- CBS has a special long preview of the next new episode of CSI: New York "All Access." Visit the website Stella Bonasera visited in the episode to see it.
- According to his official website, Gary Sinise is ready to depart for the Persian Gulf for his 18th USO/Armed Forces Entertainment tour. Sinise has been a member of USO for several years and has visited troops in countries suck as Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Korea, Germany, the Netherlands, England, Italy and Diego Garcia.
- For those of you that are fans, the Eva La Rue (Natalia Boa Vista) message boards have a new home here.
- Screen caps of the New York episode "Run Silent, Run Deep" are now available in the Eddie Cahill (Det. Don Flack) website Behind Blue Eyes.
- The Emily Procter (Calleigh Duquesne) website Emily Procter Online has pictures of Procter's appearance at the Salvatore Ferragamo Fall 2005 Celebrity Handbag Event, the "Rock Of Ages" Opening, and the 2nd Annual Celebrity Rock'N Bowl.
- Mike Ausiello, via JFO, has a couple of new spoilers regarding CSI's Grissom and Sara.
- The 35th issue of the CSI: Official DVD Collection is almost ready to be purchased. With Grissom on the cover, the issue includes a special look at partners in crime. The 36th issue is almost ready as well. With Greg Sanders on the cover, so far the issue includes the episodes "All For Our Country" and "Homebodies."
- The website Beyond Imagination now has screen caps of the classic CSI episodes "Fur and Loathing" and "Stalker."
- The second season of CSI: New York has finally premiered in Sweden on April 24th. If you live in the country, check the show out on Monday nights right after CSI.
- If you're wondering how all those alligators get to Miami, head over to to read an article about the people that supply these animals for the show.
- Emily Procter was named one of 10 actors on television that know how to steal a scene. "An oasis of cool-headed calm in an often overheated drama, Procter's ballistics expert, Calleigh Duquesne, holds her own against such formidable personalities as her boss, Horatio Caine (David Caruso), and the flashy felons who keep Miami law enforcement busy. Calleigh's soft, almost girlish voice belies her intellect, experience and insight; when she says something, it's a good idea to listen."
- Hill Harper (Dr. Sheldon Hawkes) on May 6th will attend Grand Gala: A Derby Event, to celebrate the Kentucky Derby. The Gala this year will be hosted by Muhammad Ali and his wife.
- The car company GMC recently donated two 2007 GMC Yukons, including a Denali version made in Janesville, to use on CSI. "GM has been a great partner for years on many of my movies and TV shows, and in the case of CSI, GMC offered to expand their support for the show," series producer Jerry Bruckheimer said. "We jumped at the chance to have another tool to tell our stories, and the result was the creation of the MAU."
- America's intrigue of George Eads (Nick Stokes) revolving door of hairstyles continues, to the point where fans are actually writing to CBS to ask about it. CBS, replied, "There really isn't a story here," said a publicist. "It was George's personal decision to have his hair that (longer) way.''
- The website has provided a review of the new CSI PC game 3 Dimensions of Murder. "If you're a fan of 'CSI', and have played and enjoyed the previous games, this will give you more of the same — just be sure to read the hardware requirements on the packaging first and forgive the little glitches," said reviewer Dave Moller. "If you're new to the 'CSI' series, you'll get a reasonably entertaining crime-based puzzle game that will be more fun than mowing the lawn, but only just."
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