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By Carolina
April 25, 2005 - 8:57 PM

Hello World!

It's been raining a lot here lately. And I mean a lot. The entire island is flooded and a few people have died as a result. I mean, I love rain, but this is ridiculous. If I don't see water again for the rest of my life it'll be too soon. But since I love water (and I guess I have to shower) I guess I'll have to deal.

And on a somewhat related, but completely useless, note: did you know that tree frogs have been used as barometers because they respond to approaching rain by croaking? Did you also know I have an unnatural fear of frogs that's so intense I can't even look at pictures of frogs without freaking out like a deranged howling monkey? So, you know, if the Weather Channel is right there... exactly.

Talk CSI Files threads

Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at Talk CSI:

- Maxine Valera. Gone for good... or is she? Lament the departing of everyone's favorite Miami lab tech at the CSI: Miami forum.

- In the Forensic Science forum, GilGrissomCSI wants to know: how exactly do you extract DNA of skin cells and tissues? Lurkers, delurk, and share your wisdom.

- Do you believe New York's Danny Messer has a Tanglewood tattoo on his back? Or do you believe he was never actively involved with the gang? Discuss your Tanglewood theories in the CSI: New York forum.

More topics can be found at the Talk CSI!

CSI Files Two Years Ago

Here's what was hot back in late April, early May of 2003:

  • NBC Has The 'Last Laugh' On Thursday
    The CSI episode "Last Laugh" managed to pull in a 15.8 rating/24 of the share two years ago, but it was NBC who won the night with a very special appearance by Madonna on Will and Grace.

  • Catherine Takes Centre Stage In 'CSI's' Final Three
    Season 3 was the season of Catherine, as the writers promised a relevation from the character so explosive, it would send poor Greg Sanders to the hospital. "Fans won't be able to get enough of the original [CSI] the next three weeks as the engrossing series demonstrates once again why it is the top-rated program on television," said TV Guide's Tim Holland.

  • Rhode Island Affiliate Pulls 'Tinder Box'
    CSI: Miami's "Tinder Box" stirred some emotions in Rhode Island due to the episode's parallel to the real-life club fire that took 99 lives and left 200 injured back in 2003. The episode dealt with a massive club fire that put the lives of two of the CSIs in danger. The WPRI-TV network in Rhode Island decided not to air the episode out of respect to the victims of the fire and their families.

More news can be found in the archives.

Poll Results

Below are the results of the most recent CSI Files poll:

How would you rate CSI's 'Hollywood Brass?'
9-10 43.8% - (217 Votes)
7-8 26.4% - (131 Votes)
5-6 12.1% - (60 Votes)
Wasn't able to see it 5.6% - (28 Votes)
3-4 5.2% - (26 Votes)
1-2 4.6% - (23 Votes)
Didn't want to see it 2% - (10 Votes)

Total Votes: 495

,Thank you to all those who voted! For our next poll, we'd like to know how you felt about CSI: Miami's latest bomb shell,

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday, Melinda Clarke (Lady Heather) turned 36, while Paul Guilfoyle (Jim Brass) celebrates his 50th birthday on April 28th. Happy birthday to both from everyone at CSI Files!

Today's Television Listings

  • CBS will tonight air the CSI: Miami rerun of "Shootout". In case you missed it the first time, here's a brief synopsis:

    "When gang-related gunplay goes down in an emergency room, Horatio and the team must find the gang members responsible. The evidence suggests that an orderly in the hospital recognized the wounded gang member, who possibly killed one of the orderly's friends and alerted gang members to his location. However, the evidence doesn't match up and the CSIs discover that a cheating girlfriend, not gang retaliation, may be behind the shooting. Meanwhile, Ryan questions a mother in the E.R. after her story regarding her child doesn't add up."

  • On Wednesday night at 10/9c, CSI: New York will return with the brand new "Supply and Demand". Here's a preview:

    "When a college student is beaten, shot to death and his apartment ransacked in what appears to be a drug-related hit, the team must track down his killers. After examining the evidence in the murdered student’s apartment, the team finds traces of pure, unprocessed heroin and discovers that the victim had a female roommate who is now missing. Meanwhile, Stella’s aggressive interrogation tactics with a witness threaten her police badge."

  • CBS will also air a new episode of CSI on Thursday night at 9/8c. Here's a description of "Committed":

    "When a brutal murder is committed at a state mental hospital, Grissom and Sara realize only a handful of residents and staff could be responsible for the killing. Meanwhile, Catherine and her team look into the death of young man whose body was found in a crop circle and shows no outward or inward signs of what killed him."

In addition, Spike TV will be repeating CSI episodes at least twice daily for the rest of the week. A full listing of their upcoming episodes can be found here at

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