First ‘Going, Going Gone’ Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahOctober 24, 2006 - 5:16 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “Going, Going Gone” will open with a fancy charity auction hosted by the wealthy Peter Kinkella at his Star Island mansion. Kinkella auctions off dates with beautiful young women to wealthy business men. The auction benefits Project Campfire, Kinkella’s charity that assists underprivileged kids in attending summer camp.
As the scene opens, a pair of blonde twins in matching metallic bikinis are on the auction block. They sell for $100,000. Next up is Rebecca Roth, 19 and model gorgeous. Rebecca is purchased by George Kornspan for $60,000. Kornspan’s purchase surprises the crowd as he’s already been the high bidder on gorgeous African American woman, Katie Watson.
Kinkella is kind enough to allow Kornspan use of his bedroom to enjoy his date with Rebecca and Katie. Kornspan is nervous and wants to turn out the lights.
Rebecca is found dead in Kinkella’s bedroom, blindfolded and stabbed in the torso with Kinkella’s letter opener. There are no defensive wounds, but a tan line reveals she’s missing a ring from her left ring finger. The 911 call was placed by Kornspan, who is in his underwear and covered in blood, but claims he didn’t do it. Kornspan is taken in for questioning. The murder weapon is later recovered by Natalia at the scene. It has blood on the handle.
Kinkella provides an alibi. He paid $50,000 for a date with a beautiful Mediterranean woman, Sonya Moreno. At the time of Rebecca’s murder, he was enjoying a private meal in a bedroom with Sonya.
One of Katie’s hairs is found on Rebecca’s body. Delko questions Katie, who explains that George wanted a three-way and she is the one who blindfolded Rebecca, so that would explain how her hair got on Rebecca. Katie reveals that Kornspan was having trouble “staying focused” so left the room to take some Viagra.
Horatio hunts down DEA Agent Max Moore. Moore arrested Rebecca for possession of methamphetamine two days prior to her death, but let her go on her own reconnaissance because she was a nice kid with no priors. Horatio tells Moore Rebecca was murdered at Peter Kinkella’s. Moore is familiar with Kinkella, saying he slings dope and panders local prostitutes, but is pretty small time. Horatio disagrees, believing Kinkella is into something big.
DNA analysis shows the blood on the letter opener used to kill Rebecca belongs to Kinkella. Horatio interrogates Kinkella, who claims he cut his hand that morning while reading his mail. Kinkella reasons that the fact he cut his hand doesn’t make him a murderer to which Horatio provides a comic reply.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“Going, Going Gone” is expected to air on the 13th of November, 2006.
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