CBS Releases 'All Access' Promo
By CarolinaApril 24, 2006 - 4:23 PM
See Also: 'All Access' Episode Guide
CBS has released the promo for the new CSI: New York episode "All Access."
A concert goer attempting to sneak in to a Kid Rock show gets the shock of her life when she discovers a dead man in a limo outside of the concert hall. Mac and Lindsay are forced to question concert goers, groupies and uncooperative handlers when the star becomes their prime suspect. Meanwhile, a routine call heard over the police scanners floors the team when they realize the emergency may affect one of their own team members.
The 30-second promo can now be downloaded at For those of you with slower connections, here's a full transcript of the promo video:
[The New York skyline at night.]
- [The camera dives in through the city's landmark buildings.]
- [It's nighttime, but the city still looks buzzing.]
- [A limo driver sits in the front hit of a car, his eyes opened, but he's dead.]
- [A woman opens the door and when she finds him there she screams.]
- [Kid Rock is on stage performing.]
- [The camera dives in through the city's landmark buildings.]
- [A black screen.]
- [Text-over: 'CSI: NY Rocks'.]
- [Kid Rock is talking to Mac backstage.]
- Kid Rock: "I didn't shoot that driver.]
- [Flashback: Someone has a gun to the limo driver's face.]
- [Mac isn't convinced.]
- Mac: "You know how many guilty people sing that same song?"
- [Kid Rock looks at him and nods.]
- [Text-over: 'CSI: NY Rocks'.]
- [Flash: Kid Rock singing on stage.]
- [Flash: Danny grabs a woman on the street.]
[Flash: Stella is face down on her bed crying.]
- [Flash: Kid Rock on stage.]
- [As he performs, the audience goes wild.]
- [After the concert. He puts a cigar in his mouth and looks away.]
- [Flash through the streets of New York.]
- [Stella is talking to Frankie.]
- Frankie: "You don't love me?"
- [Next he's standing up and taking his shirt off.]
- Frankie: "I wanna teach you a thing or two about crime scenes."
- [Flash: Frankie and Stella physically fighting. Stella struggles to get away.]
- [Flash: She throws a punch at him.]
- [Flash: He grabs her by her wrists.]
- [Kid Rock continues to perform on stage.]
- [He jumps up as he sings.]
- [Mac and Flack barge into an apartment with their guns drawn.]
- Mac: "NYPD."
- [Stella is hiding behind a door and suddenly pushes it open.]
- [On the other side, it hits Frankie and he drops the knife he'd been holding.]
- [Kid Rock continues to perform.]
- [Stella is running through the apartment.]
- [Mac, with his gun drawn, continues to look around.]
- [He sees something and points his gun at it.]
- [Behind him, Flack and a band of cops do the same.]
[Frankie looks behind him.]
- [On stage, Kid Rock continues to jump around and sing.]
- [Stella is inside a bathtub. Her wrists are tied together and so are her ankles.]
- [A woman is on stage with Kid Rock, wearing a bikini and dancing around a pole.]
- [Lindsay is walking away when she turns around, pissed off.]
- [Stella is facing Frankie when suddenly he jumps.]
- [...he goes flying in the air...
- [...and lands on top of her. Stella screams.]
- [Black and white shot. Stella opens her eyes. Her face is filled with blood.]
- [Frankie drags her through the apartment.]
- [He finds a gun and points it at her.]
- [Stella looks at him, her options exhausted.]
- [Screen fades. Stella screams.]
- [Flash: Danny grabs a woman on the street.]
- [The New York skyline.]
- [Text-over: 'CSI: NY. Hit drama. New episode Wednesday 10/9c.']
To view the trailer of this new New York episode, head over to the official CSI: New York website .
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