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Helgenberger Has A Lot On Her Plate

By Rachel
May 23, 2007 - 3:08 AM

Now that season seven has come to an end, Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) has a busy summer ahead of her.

Helgenberger will be joining the rest of the CSI cast at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago for the opening of the CSI exhibit. "They’re putting on displays of forensic science and stuff from our show," she told Parade. "We’re all so excited about it."

Helgenberger, whose mother is a 26-year cancer survivor, said that she would "do anything for breast cancer awareness." She will be taking part in a fund-raiser for breast cancer research in June. The event, which teams up actresses and singers, will pair her with a blues singer.

Helgenberger recently filmed a "cool, indie movie" with Val Kilmer called Columbus Day. She also has a new movie due out June 1 called Mr. Brooks. Helgenberger's character is the wife of an Oregon business man, played by Kevin Costner, who may be leading a double life as a criminal. "For 10 months of the year [on CSI], I’m so hip to even the hint of suspicious behavior," Helgenberger said, "while in Mr. Brooks I’m innocent and loving."

To view the original article, visit Parade.

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