Mac Goes To Bat In 'CSI: New York'
By ChristianJanuary 23, 2005 - 4:20 PM
See Also: 'Tanglewood' Episode Guide
CBS last Wednesday debuted the trailer for an all-new CSI: new York episode: "Tanglewood," in which Mac Taylor comes face to face with the New York mob.
Last week, we reported that Miami's "Cop Killer" would be the last new CSI episode until at least early February. However, it now turns out CBS will actually be showing "Tanglewood" this Wednesday, and not a repeat of "Rain" - that episode was instead shown this past Wednesday. Our apologies for the confusion!
In "Tanglewood," Mac and Stella investigate the brutal gang murder of a young man, and evidence suggests that he had shot someone the night of his death. In Harlem, a bodega owner's brother is found shot to death and the surveillance tape from the store reveals that the night before the murder, the deli was robbed by the victim in Mac and Stella's case. Meanwhile, Danny and Aiden probe a hit-and-run accident that killed a woman and find evidence that suggests murder.
The 30-second trailer for the episodeis now available on the official CBS site. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [Mac and Stella walk through a snow-filled park, both carrying evidence kits.]
- Male Voice: "That's the way we do it. Mafia style."
- [A man in running shoes and a training suit lies dead in the snow.]
- [Mac crouches over the dead man while Stella stands next to him.]
- Male Voice: "You look at me, dead in the eye, and you watch the light go out."
- [At night, a bulky man raises a baseball bat.]
- [BAM! As he hits the camera, and the screen fades to black.]
- [A lab coat-clad Mac looks up from his microscope to Stella.]
- Mac: "It's a Mickey Mantle."
- [Stella is confused.]
- Stella: "Why would you kill someone with a 5000-dollar bat?"
- [Someone with a knife in his hand takes the bat off a display stand.]
- [Close-up of Mac.]
- Mac: "Good question."
- Male Voice: "That's the way we do it. Mafia style."
[Two kids play with a giant inflatable in a pool.]
- [A snowy landscape...]
- [... featuring a footprint.]
- [Mac and Stella arrive at a house.]
- [A tough-looking guy looks up.]
- [His even tougher friend, wearing a gold chain over his black shirt, isn't impressed.]
- [With Mac and Stella looking on, Gold Chain Guy takes off his shirt to reveal a tattoo.]
- [Close-up of Danny.]
- Danny: "These kids are more made than the made guys."
- [Mac looks concerned.]
- [A snowy landscape...]
- [Text: 'Tell The Family.']
- [A man in a white shirt shouts in distress.]
- [He smashes a window and tries to reach a girl behind it.]
- [The girl's dead - she's being put in a body bag.]
- [Flashback: Someone slaps the girl.]
- [A man swings a baseball bat at a departing car.]
- [As the car speeds away, the man just manages to hit its rear window.]
- Accented Male Voice: "You gonna tell me about the mob?"
- [Inside the car, two men are struggling.]
- [Extreme close-up of a screaming man's face.]
- [Gold Chain Guy sits in the interrogation room, looking very indignant.]
- Gold Chain Guy: "What?"
[Mac gets angry.]
- Mac: "I'm a marine. I put men underground on foreign soil so you can sleep at night."
- [Outside, Mac shows his police badge.]
- [Danny photographs a crime scene.]
- [From the point of view of a gunman, we see a weapon being pointed at someone.]
- [A car breaks through a fence.]
- [A man in a suit laughs as he...]
- [... hits someone on the head, who ducks away.]
- [Gold chain guy is not impressed by Mac's speech.]
- [Mac continues.]
- Mac: "You little punk."
- [A man in a white shirt shouts in distress.]
- [The Manhattan skyline.]
- [Text: 'CSI: NY - New Episode, Wednesday 10/9c']
To view the 30-second promo in streaming Real Media format, head over to
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