CSI Files Makes The List
By RachelDecember 22, 2007 - 2:17 AM
CSI Files is an "essential" place on the Internet.
When Entertainment Weekly unveiled their list of the "25 Essential Fansites", CSI Files came in at number 17. According to the magazine, the site is a "sleek virtual love letter to TV's top-rated scripted series". The blurb went on to say that CSI Files is "a ridiculously comprehensive site" and cited features such as the episode reviews, episode guides, news articles and active message board.
Entertainment Weekly also acknowledged fansites devoted to other CBS shows. Survivor Sucks (# 14), a collection of message boards for the CBS reality show Survivor; TARflies.com (# 22), devoted to The Amazing Race and Big Brother fansite Joker's Updates (# 24) all made the list. EW named TheRaider.net, a site dedicated to the Indiana Jones movies, the number one most "essential" fansite on the Internet. The overall list included sites devoted to various movies, musicians and television shows.
The "25 Essential Fansites" is part of "The Best of the Web" on the Entertainment Weekly website. Other online lists include five of the web's coolest time-wasters, "The 25 best music websites" and "The Viral Video Hall of Fame".
The article about the "25 Essential Fansites", as well as the rest of the list, can be read at EW.com. Thanks to Shane for sharing this news with us.
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