Episode 13 Asks 'Paper Or Plastic'
By CaillanNovember 22, 2003 - 10:04 AM
See Also: 'Suckers' Episode Guide
A young police officer runs into a grocery store for a quick stop, and discovers the store strangely empty, except for a nervous bag boy. The officer spots a hidden gunman a second too late, and a shootout erupts in the store in the upcoming CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode, "Paper or Plastic".
According to CSI Files sources, the young officer's partner, David Fromansky, rushed into the store as soon as he heard gunshots, but the gunmen managed to escape, leaving five people dead in their wake. Several more were wounded.
The CSIs arrive on the scene. Sara interviews the rattled bag boy, who explains how the gummen seemed calm enough until the officer showed up. The grocery manager shows Nick the security office, but to Nick's dismay, three of the five surveillance VCRs are broken. Nick retrieves the tapes from the two functional VCRs and examines them. He and Sara note that the gunmen appeared just as it was time for the cash to be moved to the safe. They must have been familar with the store's inner workings.
Sara and Warrick interview several of the survivors and examine the bodies. Grissom talks to another victim, Debbie Turner, whose son was shot as well, while Catherine goes to the coroner, Dr. Robbins, who has something bizzare to show her about one of the bodies...
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.
"Paper or Plastic" will likely air in early 2004.
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