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First Story Info On Next Three 'CSI: New York' Episodes

By Christian
April 22, 2005 - 12:09 PM

CSI Files sources today provided new plot information for the final three regular CSI: New York episodes before this year's season finale.

In "Supply and Demand," scheduled to air next Wednesday, Mac and Stella are called in to investigate a murder at a high-class student apartment building in the West Village. The victim is Will Novick, 19-year old business major at NYU. He appears to have been majoring in business outside school, too: the CSIs find traces of heroin on his table, and the execution-style murder suggests Will's death probably was the result of a deal gone wrong.

Will's father assures Mac and Stella that his son couldn't possibly have had anything to do with drugs, but the CSIs know better. Will was constantly depositing cash into his bank account, and there was no way he could have afforded his apartment through the handyman job his father thought he had.

While going through Will's belongings, the CSIs seem to find a lead to a suspect. Shortly before he died, Will booked some of the best seats at a local theater - and now someone's stupid enough to have gone to the theater using Will's tickets. Drawing disapproving looks, Mac and Danny make their way into the theater, and get out a kid named Alex, who they think must have had something to do with the murder in order to get Will's tickets. But no - it turns out Alex was working together with Will in a ticket-scalping operation. Mac and Danny are confused: if Will was involved with high-grade heroin, why did he need to dabble in theater tickets, too?

Then the CSIs discover Will wasn't living alone in his apartment - he was sharing it with a female roommate, who is missing now. Could she know more about the heroin find?

On the 4th of May, CBS will air "On The Job," an episode that once again promises to bring Danny Messer into serious trouble. As the episode opens, Danny is processing a crime scene when he's suddenly attacked by a suspect hiding in the victim's closet. Danny chases the suspect to a crowded New York subway, where a gunfight ensues - resulting in the killing of an undercover cop who happened to be present.

In all the commotion, the suspect manages to get away, leaving only Danny and the dead cop on the scene by the time the paramedics and local uniforms arrive. They're quickly followed by NYPD brass, the Internal Affairs Bureau, and of course Mac's CSI team. Opinion quickly turns against Danny when some of the eyewitnesses talk about how he just ran into the station and began shooting, and only with great difficulty Flack manages to keep some of the cops from getting into a fight with Danny. Now, it's up to Mac to find out who killed the undercover cop, before Danny is out of a job - or worse.

Finally, in "The Closer" the CSIs investigate the death of a man who probably had more enemies than any other victim they ever dealt with: George, a Boston sports fan who came on a New York radio station to tell listeners the Yankees are crap, right before the game against the Red Sox. The radio station bought George tickets for seats next to the home plate, and made the mistake of broadcasting that over the air. When the Red Sox ended up beating the Yankees, it seems likely one of the home fans decided to cool his anger on George.

The CSIs review the tapes from the radio program, and their interest is quickly drawn by a heated discussion between George and a caller named Tony, from the Bronx. Subjects ranged from the stunningly bad performance of their respective teams, various insults involving their mothers, and finally a challenge to get into a fight after the game. Danny wants to know the identity of the caller, but the radio station refuses - suddenly they're very big on protecting the rights of the people they get on their show. Just great. Now the CSIs are faced with the challenge of somehow finding the right hot-tempered Yankees fan named Tony.

Meanwhile, Mac and Stella deal with th seemingly unrelated case of a young woman named Margo. In the episode teaser, she's seen running through a New York alley, wearing only a red lace bra and matching panties. She's bleeding, running as fast as she can on her bare feet, constantly looking behind backward, until finally with great relief she emerges from the alley. And is promptly hit by a delivery truck. Once the CSIs begin to look into Margo's life, they realise she is a sports agent, with ties to the Yankees. It's enough to make the CSIs wish baseball season was over...

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Supply and Demand" is set to air on CBS on the 27th of April. "On The Job" and "The Closer" are expected to air on the 4th and 11th of May, respectively, with CSI: New York's first-season finale following on the 18th of May.

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