It's Dangerous When 'Smoke Gets In Your CSIs'
By RachelJanuary 22, 2009 - 8:52 AM
See Also: 'Smoke Gets In Your CSIs' Episode Guide
The heat is on.
According to CSI Files sources, the fourteenth episode of CSI: Miami will be called "Smoke Gets In Your CSIs". The episode finds Calleigh and Ryan in the attic of a foreclosed house. Their victim is a man with a single gunshot wound. It's business as usual until shots ring out.
Holes appear in the floor of the attic as bullets burst through. The victim's body is peppered with more wounds, but Calleigh and Ryan do not get hit. When silence descends, it seems as if the danger has passed. Soon, however, the CSIs face a new problem: an explosion downstairs sets the house on fire.
Ryan remains calm, and he and Calleigh are able to save themselves and the body of their victim. They return to the crime lab to change clothes and get back to work. Eric runs a fingerprint they found in the attic and it comes back to a security guard named Jeff Peralta. Peralta says the house was dirt cheap, and he wanted to see if it was worth buying. However, he couldn't check out the inside of the house without putting in an offer. He decided to sneak in through an open window and take a look around.
Calleigh visits Dr Price in autopsy to see how things are going with their nameless victim. Dr Price scrapes under the man's fingernails and gives Calleigh what she finds: skin cells. Natalia runs the DNA and gets a hit in CODIS for Colin Astor, a young man with a record for assault.
Eric and Calleigh question Colin. The man denies shooting their victim or trying to kill Calleigh and Ryan. When he sees the autopsy photo, he identifies the man as someone he played basketball with the week before. However, he can't give them a name.
Calleigh starts to speak up during the interrogation, but Eric can tell that something isn't right. She can't form a complete sentence, and she bangs her hand on the table as she struggles to breathe. Her face and eyes are red. She has to be hurried to the emergency room, where an old friend, Dr Alexx Woods (Khandi Alexander, last seen in "Rock and a Hard Place"), rushes to save her life.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
"Smoke Gets In Your CSIs" is expected to air February 2 on CBS.
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