First ‘Law of Gravity’ Plot Details Revealed
By DeborahDecember 21, 2006 - 12:19 AM
According to CSI Files sources, “Law of Gravity” will open with one the first of four dream sequences experienced by Michael Keppler (played by Liev Shrieber). In the dream, Weird Kenny Reeder stands on a fire escape with a chrome plated Colt .45 pointed in his face. Reeder is a loser. A fifth year high school senior. Redder protests saying he didn’t do it. The gunman has the wrong guy. Amy McCarty screams in the distance. The gunman reacts to the scream, blinking his eyes. The gun goes off. Reeder’s body collapses on the gun. Two more shots ring out. The killer runs. Amy smiles. We’ve seen her in episode #714, airing the previous week. She’s 17 years old. A reverse angle reveals the killer to be Keppler, wearing ripped jeans and a Pink Floyd t-shirt, but no remorse. He killed for Amy. She reaches out and takes his free hand, pressing it against her chest. His hand slides inside her chest, horror movie style. He reaches inside her chest and pulls out her bloody, beating heart. She tells him she loves him.
Back to reality. Keppler eats Eggs Benedict at Frank’s Coffee Shop. When he tries to pay, a waitress tells him a friend has already paid for his breakfast. The friend is Jack McCarty, Amy’s father. Jack has tried calling Keppler, but his calls have gone unreturned.
In the second of Keppler’s four dream sequences, he is in the McCarty dining room carving a roast while Amy and Jack sit at the table. Amy is wearing her prom dress. She tells both men she loves them. As Keppler carves the roast, it begins to bleed. Blood fills the platter and begins spilling onto the floor. He looks to Amy, but she’s gone. He looks to Jack, who is also gone.
As Keppler’s bloody dreams haunt him throughout the episode, the team works to solve the murder of a prostitute, Courtney Evans. Evans and her “John” were found dead at The Olympia.
Nick tracks down Evans’ pimp, Leroy Johnston (aka “Precious Roy”), through a plastic surgeon’s office. Johnston recently paid for Evans’ butt implants. Johnston acknowledges that Evans worked for him and that he paid for the implants, but claims he’s a Buddhist who wouldn’t be angry enough to kill. He also claims Evans had the day off, so any “John” she was with was on her own time. It turns out the “John” was a cop. However killed Evans is also guilty of a cop killing.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.
“Law of Gavity” is expected to air on the 15th of February, 2007.
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