'Dog Eat Dog' Trailer Now Available
By ChristianNovember 21, 2005 - 3:20 PM
Following last Thursday's "A Bullet Runs Through It" conclusion, CBS released a new 20-second promo video for a special Thanksgiving CSI episode, "Dog Eat Dog."
In this episode, the CSIs investigate the unusual death of a man found dead in a dumpster on Thanksgiving night. Grissom and his team must take their clues from what the man ate in order to identify his cause of death, which leads them into the world of competitive eating. Meanwhile, Nick and Sara investigate the suspicious death of a couple attacked and killed by their seemingly sweet dog.
The promo can currently be downloaded from CBS.com. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [A fat man feasts on a goodie basket.]
[The man sticks a sausage in his mouth...]
- [... puts some more mashed potato on his plate...]
- [... hmm, some bacon...]
- [... extra gravy...]
- [... it's finger-licking good!]
- [After all these shots of the man gorging, he lies dead on the floor, surrounded by CSIs.]
- Brass: "Kitchen worker found him."
- [Grissom and Brass look at the man.]
- [Establishing shot of the crime scene: the Good Eats restaurant.]
- [Grissom examines the body.]
- Grissom: "What's this gunk in his hands?"
- [The man's dead hand is still clutching a white substance.]
- [David Phillips crouches over the body.]
- David: "Mashed potatoes?"
- [Grissom, Catherine and Doc Robbins gather in the morgue.]
- Grissom: "All of this was in the victim's stomach?"
- [Grissom can hardly hide his disgust.]
- [Flashback: The fat man walks through town.]
- Robbins: "The man was a walking buffet."
- [Flashback: The man is repulsed as he watches someone eat in a restaurant.]
- [Close-up of Catherine.]
- Catherine: "So what are you thinking now?"
- Robbins: "He ate himself to death."
- [Catherine is surprised.]
- [... puts some more mashed potato on his plate...]
- [Text: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation -- TV's #1 Show -- New Episode Thanksgiving Night 9/8C']
[Grissom swabs something off the man's face.]
- [Grissom looks at the substance: it's red.]
- Grissom: "Cranberry sauce."
- Brass: "Happy Thanksgiving."
- [Grissom looks at the substance: it's red.]
To view the "Dog Eat Dog" trailer, please head over to the official CSI site.
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