CSIs To Go 'Fishing In Vegas'
By CaillanNovember 21, 2003 - 11:44 AM
See Also: 'Butterflied' Episode Guide
When a nurse is murdered in an upcoming CSI: Crime Scene Investigation outing, the finger of suspicion points at her former boyfriends — and there are plenty of them to go around.
Sources today revealed the first plot details for "Fishing in Vegas", the twelfth episode of CSI's fourth season. The victim is Debbie Marlin, a young attractive nurse at Desert Palm Hospital, who is found dead in her bathroom by her best friend and fellow nurse, Kelly McNeil. Kelly tells Grissom and Catherine that she and Debbie were due to have lunch that day, but Debbie cancelled to spend time with her latest beau, surgical intern Dr. Michael Ross.
Dr. Ross was the latest in a long line of boyfriends, according to Debbie's know-it-all neighbour, Jeff Pike. He tells Brass that Debbie regularly had 'visitors', usually rich doctors with flash cars and perfect bodies. But Ross's maroon BMW — like a typical nosy neighbour, Jeff knows all the lovers' cars off hand — hadn't been seen in the neighbourhood for two days.
While Grissom and Catherine go over the crime scene, Brass heads to the hospital to talk with Ross's supervisor, Dr. Tom Lurie. He says Ross, who was one of his best surgical interns, failed to turn up for work, which was very out of character for the ambitious young doctor.
Meanwhile, back at Debbie's house, Grissom's discovers why Ross was a no-show at the hospital — he was murdered and his body was chopped up into numerous pieces. With surgical precision...
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from an early draft of the script and details may change before the episode goes to air.
"Fishing in Vegas" will likely air in early 2004.
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